I was diagnosed last year by a physio consultant with osteoarthritis with fybromyalgia elements. I have never had any x-rays and am not sure whether I should have done. I am not convinced that I have the fybromyalgia though, just osteoarthritis. Pain is not too bad and I haven't got any worse since my diagnosis. I go once a month for maintenance to a chiropractor and also do the exercises given to me daily. I try and walk as often as I can but cannot walk as far as I used to pre-arthritis. I was told by the physio consultant to 'go to my doctor if symptoms got worse' before she signed me off her list! I tried the water exercises at my local pool as suggested by her but these were useless as I wasn't able to do the ones given to me by the physio, hence the visits to the chiropractor. Pain worse in the mornings and wake me up in the night. Reluctant to go down the drug route as I have IBS and a lot of drugs inflame this. Is there anything natural herbal that I can take to elleviate the pain?
Osteoarthritis and fybromyalgia - Arthritis Action
Osteoarthritis and fybromyalgia

"Is there anything natural herbal that I can take to elleviate the pain?"
It's not unusual for low vitamin D levels to be associated with musculoskeletal pain - do you know your vitamin D level?
I don't know what my vitamin D level is. Is this something I can find out at the pharmacy rather than going to the doctor?
If you don't want to ask your GP, there's an NHS Hospital in Birmingham that sells an online test and email the results to you: cityassays.org.uk
Better You uses the same NHS service and at present will also send along a complimentary vitamin D spray of an appropriate strength, depending on the outcome of your test: betteryou.com/vitamin-d-tes...
For those of you with extensive body aches, in respect of the joint pains it might seem odd that improving vitamin D levels might make a difference to you but it possibly can.
For various reasons, even with supplementation, I don't move out of the severely deficient category of blood levels - but, possibly because I can be what I think of as "very severely deficient", my joints can feel remarkably better if I manage to work up to "moderately severe deficiency". I'm still categorised as "severely deficient" by the blood test results but those few points can sometimes make a tremendous difference to me. Literally the difference between being able to move in the morning or not and having more than a few hours in the day when I can function properly.
It might not be the same difference for someone who is a bit more 'replete' than I am but that is my experience as someone who is "severely deficient" (I also have Psoriatic Arthritis).
Thank you. I will look into this. Xxx
Do you know if cycling heat and cold on troublesome joints is useful for you?
I fantasise about owning a sauna that's large enough to allow me to do my mobility exercises to get moving in the morning.
We always recommend heat and cold as a way of helping with arthritis aches - here is some more information on the matter arthritisaction.org.uk/wp-c...
I hope this helps!
CBD oil can be helpful especially for inflammation pain.
Turmeric may help, and Glucosamine Sulphate, possibly in a tablet with MSM and other things for joints, included. You need to try something for at least three months to get the full benefit and know if it is helping. It is good to check with your doctor that he sees no reason for you, personally, to try these. I recommend always starting with the minimum amount, and then increasing after a week or two if you want to.