Lying here like a beached whale after an ankle fusion due to osteoarthritis last week. I decided I can't be the only one frustrated at the total lack of independence post surgery so just saying hello to everyone who lives have been altered by arthritis.
Saying hello: Lying here like a beached... - Arthritis Action
Saying hello

Hi Nightingale 5, I had surgery for a bowel resection a few years ago and having being a very active person found the recuperation period very frustrating as you are. The wait was well worth it though, really made me appreciate getting back to 'normal'. Hope your recovery goes well and you'll just remember this period as a little blip in the greater scheme of things!
Thanks for the reply I hope you are fully recovered now. I am never very active due to the arthritis but I have never been totally dependent before, even for a cuppa. I always ask questions but this time I was just so relieved that I was having the op that I didn't confirm what I thought which was day surgery and possibly keep off the foot for a few days. However, lesson learned there. I intend to be a model patient! You take care.