I am 60, still working part time and starting to struggle with arthritis in more and more areas! I'm hoping to hear lots of useful tips for coping and how you all get on with your lives. Jane
Hello- I'm new to this! : I am 60, still... - Arthritis Action
Hello- I'm new to this!

For good information on arthritis, the self-management approach and various events, you might want to take a look at the website Arthritis Action or call their Helpline to discuss things for which they might be able to suggest useful options.
Is there anything in particular that's a nuisance to you?
When you say, "starting to struggle with arthritis in more and more areas", Is the osteoarthritis settling into more joints or do you mean it's affecting more areas of your life?

Welcome to the group JaneyBella and thank you for posting! We hope you find the support here helpful. For any further information on arthritis, the self-management approach or our services, please do not hesitate to contact us on email info@arthritisaction.org.uk or phone: 020 3781 7120.
We wish you all the best,
Arthritis Action's Communications Officer
Hi JaneyBella, The same happened to me in my late fifties and I found I had to give up work as my neck, hands,wrists and elbows became too painful when using a computer all day. Don't give up hope and exercise as much as possible so that you can have as much movement as possible but don't overdo things. Hope things start to settle down for you and that you have less pain😊
Thank you!
Hi JaneyBella
Good on you still working part time. I joined the Arthritis Association and have completed a wonderful course called Living Well with a Chronic Illness and i have found it invaluable. I found acceptance from the course. I thought I was 20 while in reality I'm 58 with the body of a 90 year old at times. I learned to pace myself, to ask for and accept help, about medication in fact so many aspects of my health struggles were made a little easier. I have Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia and bouts of Gout they are all forms of Arthritis. I hope you might find my suggestions helpful.