Hi I have just been diagnosed with OA in my neck and more severe in my lower spine.
The onslaught of this was in early October when I was admitted to hospital as I was very stooped and couldn't straighten up. Also I lost complete bladder control which was a bit embarrassing to say the least.
I had an MRI scan and this was the outcome. I have now been referred to a Neurosurgeon and see them on 5th Jan next year which I can't wait.
I have good days and bad days and when it's bad I take Tramadol but they make me drowsy so only try and take them at night time so I can sleep.
My GP doesn't want me to return to work until I have seen this new consultant and hopefully together we will plan a course of action etc etc.
I had to go into work last week for a chat with my boss as I work on the checkouts in a supermarket and cannot physically do my job as I cannot lift anything heavy like a 17KG bag of dog food or a large box of beer. I have explained the situation and they understand for now. Maybe that's because I have only worked for them for 3 years and have run out of company sickpay in November and am only receiving SSP.
I don't know what the future holds and quite honestly it scares me. I would like to return to work in some capacity but the job I am employed to do is a definite no for the time being. Maybe when I have seen the Neurosurgeon he will perform a miracle and I can go back to work doing the job I love.
Would love to hear from fellow sufferers.
Kind regards.