i have ostoarthritis in my spine. this is due to damage to my 11 and 12 viritbare. my question is can u also have fibromyoldia as well or do the 2 just have simula simtions
degenrative ostoarthritis and firomyalgia - Arthritis Action
degenrative ostoarthritis and firomyalgia
This seems like a question for your doctor but there's also information on Fibromyalgia on NHS Choices, which you can access here: nhs.uk/Conditions/Fibromyal...
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Membership Administrator @ Arthritis Action
As someone who has suffered from fibromyalgia (without it being diagnosed until 12 months ago) for 40 years and also has osteo arthritis to some degree in my spine, hips, shoulders hands and feet, I would say that the answer is yes. Consultants vary greatly as to whether they believe in fibromyalgia, depends on how old they are and if they are prepared to do the elimination tests to prove if you've got it or not. It took a change of consultant to get mine sorted. Hope you get your pain relief sorted. x
You need to have a blood test with dic or rumertologist .they look for your vitamin levels ,vitamin d.they can tell if you have problems getting up in the morning.its like been paralized but if you move the pain is hell shelly x
I have degenerated osteoarthritis in L2,3,4,and 5. Plus I have fibromyalgia among other things. I hurt all the time.Every joint in my body hurts. Parts of my body goes numb. I'm only 54 and it's sad to have this. But I go on cuz there is nothing that can be done. Can't have massages or anyone touching you cuz it hurts.
So just talk to a pain management doctor and they can help.
Good luck.