I am an activist for Rethink and have been closely involved with their recent campaign about people with menal health problems and their physical health.
I have first hand experince of this.
Thirteen years ago I went to see a rheumatologist because I was having terrible pains in my hips, and could hardly walk.
The doctor took one look at my medical records, saw I had a mental illness, and without examining me or taking any blood tests, he diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia.
I went home in tears, and have suffered many physical health problems since, which were not taken seriously.
When I went to ITS in2006 hat is when my life changed.
I was correctly diagnosed and treated for Bipolar.
Since I have sued the health authority for misdiagnosis, they have taken all my physical ailments very seriously.
Three years ago I had cancerous cells removed from my cervix, I was investigatd for a tumour on my petuitary gland, which thankfully was all clear, and a few days ago I went back to my doctors because my joints all thoughout my body are geting more painful, leading to serious discomfort.
In conjunction with Rethink , I have had input in a Physical Heallth Flyer that we a promoting for anyone who has got mental health problems to see their GP for an annual physical check up.
The flyer is very comprehenive and useful. If anyone at APP would like a copy, then pleae let me know.