I wanted to say something about world mental health day. Sometimes when you have a mental health condition every day can feel like world mental health day as your focus is on getting through the day and then giving yourself a huge pat on the back that you survived another day.
As someone who’s recovered from psychosis and felt relatively well in between each psychotic episode in the 20 years I’ve had bipolar I wanted anyone who’s struggling right now to know that you can recover from it and feel happy and things will get better and there will be a day you will look back on the time you were unwell and feel pride for the strength and character you had to pull yourself out of it
Motherhood brings so many challenges good and bad and there are actually many positives although we never think of it that way, to living with a mental health condition
When you battle anxiety and depression or psychosis I have found that the kindness people can show to you sticks in your mind and you become very grateful towards the people who stood by your side
As a person you become very compassionate and empathetic to other people and can find yourself sometimes able to say something to someone else who is struggling that can help them and the more people who understand mental health issues the better- one day you might help somebody else without even realising it
And with regards to the guilt we can all feel as mothers wondering if we are doing a good enough job, one day your three year old will out of the blue tell you she’s proud of you like mine did (or some other memorable moment) for no particular reason and you’ll have a lightbulb moment that actually you’re doing a fantastic job and your children are proof of that
Please remember that everyone has bad days and a bad day does not make you a bad mum