Hi all
Just wondered if people have any experiences/tips to share about talking to their kids about PP and mental health more generally.
My older daughter was 5 when I experienced severe depression with baby #2 and we talked a lot about 'brain poorliness' and the fact that my sadness, tiredness and tears were not in any way her fault but were because of being unwell.
A few years later I came across Jen Faulkner's book 'A monster ate my mum' which is a brilliant, touching and ultimately hopeful book for younger children about postnatal depression.
Maybe we have a budding author out there who could do a book or leaflet for older sibs about PP! I told my eldest some of the silly/wacky things I did after she was born to take some of the 'unknown' out of psychosis and to help her understand that it was quite different to being depressed.
I wonder about later conversations with my teenage kids too about protecting their own mental health and choices about drugs etc if they are higher risk of psychosis.
Would love to hear people's thoughts/experiences.
Naomi xx