What things can I do to help? If you have experienced PP, what kinds of things did friends do that helped you? If you have helped a friend come through PP, what made a difference? What emotions did you experience? Has the experience changed your friendship?
I have a friend suffering from PP - h... - Action on Postpar...
I have a friend suffering from PP - how can I help?

Be patient - it takes time to recover from PP. Also, persevere & keep in touch even if it seems she’s not making any effort. It's really sad but I actually lost touch with many of my friends because of PP. They'd call & I guess they were put off by my lack of interaction, interest & effort, so didn't call again - I was numb & could barely hold a conversation let alone have the energy or motivation to go out! Also I guess it could've been that they felt they didn't know what to do or say - just being there & taking time to listen would've been enough. Help her to get as much rest/sleep as possible by offering help with practical things such as housework, cooking, shopping & baby care. When she’s recovered, you’ll have the friend back that you used to have & you can do everything you did as before.
Just be there for your friend or loved one, don't abandon them, they need you now more than ever. Although they may not be able to interact with you as they did before, they will still value your company and will be eternally grateful once they are well again. Encourage the person suffering to set small manageable goals each day, such as; make lunch, do an activity they they enjoy, walk to the shops with a friend and then the next day, do it again with baby or alone. Whatever little achievements can be made each day, helps to rebuild confidence and get the person back together again. They also need some 'me' time every day to have a nice bubbly deep bath, go for a swim, a massage or to do something that they really enjoy. Minding baby for a hour or two, whilst they can do this will really help.

I remember one very close friend saying to me that it will be ok and I will get better. Amongst all the fear and confusion this is what I clung on to. Also being given more information about PP was helpful. What makes it more frightening is the lack of information. When I knew I had an illness and I would get better it gave me hope.
I have to say I lost a very close friend during my episode of PP and depression. A friendship that I had for nearly 15 years.
Just be there, even if they don't return your calls/text you back. Even if they seem unreachable, loss, frightened unlike themselves, act in a strange/unusual way. Hang in there. Give patience, time, understanding. Your friend is poorly, she will be back. This is illness where recovery will happen.
Be kind and understanding, even at times if you don't feel you understand at all. xx

You have to be there to support them, however difficult it seems and when they get better your true friendship will be even stronger and deeper.
The amount of information now available from APP will help hugely in trying to understand what they are going through.
Have a look at the personal experiences pages on the APP site, there are personal accounts from both the people that have gone through it and partners who supported... app-network.org/what-is-pp/...