I know not everyone on this site has access to the same meds. I've had Covid the past week and was prescribed the medication Paxlovid, and have found out that it can really affect mental health medications. Just wanted to give you all the heads up that if you take this, to be aware.
Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir) is an anti-viral medication by Pfizer intended to treat Covid symptoms. It's approved here in the US especially for people in higher-risk categories; particularly people who have reduced immune systems, are older, obese, diabetic, asthmatic, or have any other health issues that would make you more likely to be hospitalized. I'm not in the very high risk categories since I've lost a lot of weight, but I am older now and I also just got over a bad case of RSV two weeks ago. My doctor didn't want me to go through a bad case of Covid on top of that, in the same month.
My husband brought the Paxlovid home from the pharmacy and told me I couldn't take it with my mental health meds, specifically Lamotrigine and Wellbutrin. I said, "What????!!! I can't just stop taking it!" I called into a telehealth doctor, who looked it up and said it's ok, it won't kill me, but it will significantly reduce the blood levels of my mental health meds. There are many meds that you can't take Paxlovid with at all, and there are some antipsychotics among them. Thank goodness I'm off of those.
The good news is, I'm pretty well recovered from the Covid, though fatigued from being sick. My mental state is doing ok at the moment, which is kind of a miracle.
Anyway. Wanted to let you all know to be careful about that Covid treatment with your mental health meds. Take care of yourselves.