Olanzapine and bodily sensations - Action on Postpar...

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Olanzapine and bodily sensations

Zebrawhite profile image
6 Replies

Since I've had psychosis I have noticed that I can't feel my muscles when I work out and no longer get any soreness or aches, whereas previously I would get a lot. I even had a massage and could barely feel it, only felt skin deep sensations and not the deep tissue feeling that I'm used to. The masseuse even said I don't have any knots, which is strange as I used to have a lot and really felt achey during and after a massage. Olanzapine is associated with feeling tight muscles if anything so I find it really strange. It's like the mind body connection has been numbed.

I also don't ever feel or hear my stomach rumbling anymore, or feel my 'stomach turning' when I'm hungry. I also don't feel bloated anymore which I always used to, especially after eating a lot. I don't even feel any period pain now whereas I dod previously. I also can't cry much, and when I do my eyes sting. I feel so numbed, has anyone ever felt anything like this during g or after pp?

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6 Replies
Redtap profile image

Hi Zebrawhite,

I'm sorry you've had PP. It can take a long time before you start to feel like yourself again. I had PP back in 2002 and I remember getting quite a few odd side effects. I would find myself holding the fingers of my right hand at a strange angle, to the extent that it looked odd. I also remember feeling numb, not necessarily in a physical way, more an emotional way, like I couldn't really feel things the same. This does go as you start to get better.

You've not said where you are in your recovery. If you are still on medication this may be a side effect and it would be worth bringing it up when you next see someone. They may be able to adjust your dose to reduce this. It's probably worth getting it checked out to put your mind at rest. I did feel numb for a while but like I said, not necessarily in a physical way.

Good luck.

Zebrawhite profile image
Zebrawhite in reply to Redtap

Thank you for your reply. I am taking 20mg olanzapine at the moment and I'm not sure if it's related to the meds or the psychosis.

Do you think it’s from the psychosis or from the Olanzapine? I can’t tell from your post.

The antipsychotics certainly numbed me and dulled my emotions. I went for years without crying or even laughing over anything. My family couldn’t tell when I was happy. I don’t even know if I was ever happy. I did know there were times when I should have been sad when I wasn’t. As far as physical sensation I felt hungry all the time and almost never had any stomach upset, except when I had chemotherapy.

Now that I’ve been off all antipsychotics it’s almost like my emotional system went into overdrive. I cry at everything. I laugh a lot. My body hurts all day every day. It keeps me up at night almost every day. To be fair, this could be a side effect of cancer treatment and those meds too. Our bodies are mysteries, aren’t they?

SammySeal profile image

hi Zebrawhite

I’m afraid I haven’t had Olanzepine or the lack of sensations you describe, but I have had /still having plenty other meds and weird bodily issues that I’m not quite sure whether they’re side effects, mental health related or another unrelated illness.

So I didn’t want to read and run, but just let you know that I’m with you on it being really weird and annoying trying to know what’s what with your body, let alone your mind, after PP and during recovery n treatment.

I get some feedback from asking my doctor or psychiatrist about side effects, or from looking it up on reputable websites, but sometimes still come away clueless.

I hope you get some answers and know you can always post here for support, even if I/we don’t know the answers all the time :-)

Sammy x

robdonn profile image

Hello I'm on olanzapine as well, quite a high dose. I don't get full anymore either, nor do I get muscle ache apart from my feet and inner chest. (Recently diagnosed angina). My eating pattern is now terrible and have put on a lot of weight. Don't have so many scicotic episodes now, just a few which are mostly at night. Hope this helps a bit

Zebrawhite profile image
Zebrawhite in reply to robdonn

Hi that does help thank you. Good to know you also aren't getting any aches or pains whilst taking it.

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