Hi All, I'm hoping you can help me as I'm at a loss what to do.
I had PPP in 2020 after having a traumatic birth, I was put on a section for 8 days then was discharged. I had support for the 1st year through the perinatal team but my experience coming off the Olanzapine was a nightmare. I wasn't given any proper support and found it hard coming off it the end of last year. I eventually got help through work via an occupational health nurse and councilling via work and a new trauma based team who diagnosed me with PTSD.
The new team has helped me massively coping with my symptoms however, due to both my husband and myself changing jobs at the same time and the mortgage being up for renewal I believe this triggered a relapse and was sectioned for 3 weeks.
I have since been discharged but I'm not happy with the dose of Quietapine I'm on as the side effects are horrible. I'm on the maximum dosage modified release and my GP doesn't agree that I should be on this dose either. The issue is the original psychiatrist has washed his hands of the situation and from what my GP says no-one is accepting responsibility either. She wants to continue on the meds until someone accepts responsibility but I'm not happy with this outcome as I wanted to go back to work next week on a phased return to work. Money is still an issue but I feel like I'm ready to go back to work, they have been really supportive but I'm at my wits end.
When coming off the meds from 800gm MR what is the next increment to come down to?
Thanks in advance xx