I’m just wondering if I could have some advice on degrees please.
So I had postpartum psychosis three years ago and I’d love to study to work with perinatal mums suffering with their mental health.
I’m just trying to figure out what degree to do.
I have suspected PDA autism so it has to be from home and I’d love to have a care farm where mums and their families can come and spend time in nature with animals and my self with some kind of expertise to support them.
I originally wanted to do mental health nursing, but it’s full time even with open uni and I can’t really do that currently. Do you think social work or counselling would be any good to work with perinatal mums? Be great to hear your opinions. Espec from those of you who were in MBUs and can remember which kind of professionals helped you. I remember having social workers therapists psychiatrist nurses etc coming to my home, but not sure who could support mums from their home environment.. xx
Thanks so much xx