help: Hi my name is Ardi and my wife... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Adoo97 profile image
17 Replies

Hi my name is Ardi and my wife has got ppp and I feel so bad that it is not possible to explain my whole family suffers because of this I just want to ask you if this goes over can I have a normal life again with her will she have episodes again during life i find that there is a very high risk..she is now on medication olanzapine 10mg that is the only thing she is taking now she sleeps well at night she says she feels much better but she is like a zombie very lethargic she can sometimes get stuck in her thoughts but otherwise she is normal but very tired as I said she says she is not psychotic anymore

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Adoo97 profile image
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17 Replies
Jocelyn_at_APP profile image

Hi Adoo97,

Thank you so much for reaching out to us and I am so sorry you and your wife are going through this. I had PP 7 years ago and while it is a horrible and scary experience, your wife will get through this.

There is chance that your wife may have further episodes, if having another a baby but she also may not. Every person's journey is unique to them and it can be so hard to give a definite answer. I personally have not had any previous episodes. I think with help and support you and your wife will be able to lead a normal life . There are lots of preventative measures that can put in place if you were planning on having another baby. I am not sure what you have available in Sweden but in the UK we have specialist perinatal mental health teams and pre-conception counselling.

Some of the resources APP offers for partners of women affected by postpartum psychosis are a partner insider guide:

There is also a private Facebook Partner support group:

Please know that you will get through this.

Thinking of you both.


Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hello Adoo97

I'm so sorry to hear your wife has PP. My name is Ellie, I'm one of the National Peer Support Coordinators here at Action on Postpartum Psychosis, and I had postpartum psychosis like your wife, 10 years ago after the birth of my son.

I wanted to write to say that your wife really will recover and come through it, and be herself again, you all will. Postpartum psychosis is such a shock and trauma, and it is hard to believe your wife will be herself again, but she really will. It took me time to recover, to have confidence in myself as a mum. I too was how you describe your wife after the psychotic episode - zombie like, and very lethargic. It is partly the medication, and partly coming to terms with what has happened.

Everyone's experience of the illness is different, it is true that some people do go on to have a further episode, and do take medication ongoing, but this doesn't mean they don't feel themselves again, or make a recovery, or that they are 'unwell' as your wife is now. Everyone I know, including those with a bipolar diagnosis, or who continue to take medication, lead a normal and happy family life, and many return to work etc.

For myself, and many others, I haven't had another episode since the postpartum one, and I am not on any medication. I gradually came off all medication after about 1 year to 18 months after my postpartum psychosis episode.

I notice that you are in Sweden. We actually have a peer support volunteer (who had postpartum psychosis herself) who lives in Sweden and volunteers with this organisation below. They are supporting families affected by postpartum depression, as well as postpartum psychosis in Sweden, and you may find it helpful to look them up here:

I will ask her as well to take a look at this post, and reply to you here as well.

We have a lot of support and information for yourself as well. There is a guide for Dad's and partners, which you may find helpful to read, if you can manage to understand all the English?

And this is our web page for some general information for Dad's and partners:

We do have a partner peer support facilitator, Simon, who connects with Dad's and partners, and he does facilitate a monthly call on Zoom for partners which you could join, even if you don't live in the UK. Do email him at for more information.

I'm so glad you have found us. I am sure others will reply here, and do know you can write here for any support you need.

Take care, Ellie

Simon_at_APP profile image

Hi Ardi,

Sorry to hear that you and your wife are dealing with pp but glad you’ve found this forum, there are so many people on here, who have lived experiences of postpartum psychosis.

My wife had pp and I found it a really tough and scary time, I went through every possible emotion and I questioned whether the whole thing would ever be back to some sense of normality, it got to a stage where I couldn't think more than what was happening right there at that moment because it was too scary to look to the future; it was a really hard time but with the right care and support, it really does get better and there is light at the end of the tunnel, even when it doesn't look like it.

Unfortunately I don't know what services you have available in Sweden but I've added a link to the partner's guide, it is UK based, although there is some general info that may be useful

Do you have good family/friends support? It's important for you to try and look after yourself too (I know that is so much easier said than done and I found it almost impossible when the head was filled with everything PP) but don't be afraid to ask for help for yourself too.

Please know we're all here for you, so please post back any time.

Thinking of you and best wishes.


biogulden profile image

I used this drug for one year at 5mg. Then decrease it very very slowly

Adoo97 profile image
Adoo97 in reply to biogulden

how do you feel now my wife takes 10mg she is like a zombie she is normal but very tierd she can sometimes get stuck in her thoughts was you like that

Adoo97 profile image

Thank you all for the reply it was very helpful and im feeling im not alone its just so hard for me right now all im thinking about is just negativ like is my wife schizofrenic or schizoaffektiv even the doctor said to me that if she was schizofrenic the 10mg abilify would not help her if that is true i dont know at all but its just stuck in my mind i dont know why im so scared im very depressed im trying to not think about it so mutch but it is so hard i hope this sickness goes away from her she is very beutiful person and she just dont deserve this i hope even for you all who is in this sickness will go thru this and you ate not alone and again thank you for the reply ❤️

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling depressed at the thought of your wife suffering so much. Is it possible that the doctor can give you a definitive diagnosis? If he is also considering other disorders, I think he should be offering you a treatment plan to reassure you about your wife’s ongoing care.

Postpartum Psychosis is a very traumatic experience for your wife and also for you too. After all, we were all focused on the joy of having a baby when PP hit out of the blue. So I understand how you must feel watching your wife in distress.

I had PP twice many years ago, six years apart. I was in various psychiatric units and very ‘switched off’ and not communicating. Eventually the right medication in tandem with treatment was found and I recovered. It was a very stressful time for my husband and he had some low moments as it’s hard to think that it’s a temporary illness in the early days of such a trauma.

Please find support for yourself and take very good care. Talk about how you feel and ask the doctor to find time to sit down with you as you need peace of mind.

We are all thinking of you .... stay safe and take care.

Tove_X profile image

Hi Adooo97! This is Tove, we spokes at the phone. Om sorry to hear you have all those heavy thoughts about the future and feel depressed.

Have you thought about seeking help for your own mental health/ feelings in all of this? My partner got to do this screening for depression at BVC when I was ill. You could also just tell them at BVC that you think you need to speak to someone, they use to have a bit of a higher priority for new parets needing help. If you prefer that, you could also call your vårdcentral. I know you have a strong family around you, so I think trying to take care for yourself would be a very good thing to do right now.

Take care! I hope both you and your wife will feel a little bit better soon.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

I hope you are not feeling as depressed as you were a few days ago. It’s good to hear you have a strong family around you so please let them know how you feel. Your wife will be well eventually so please take care of yourself too.

Arabella- profile image

Hi Ardi,

I have to say I’m impressed that you came across this forum and had the strength to be open about your fears. PP is a terrifying ordeal, for women and their partners. I had PP 5 years ago, but recovered after several months then went on to have two more children, without any relapses.

I have bipolar disorder and manage my symptoms with Olanzapine and Sertraline (anti psychotic and antidepressants).

Olanzapine does leave you zombified but I get over it by taking it an hour before I go to bed and a few string cups of tea in the day time.

It’s incredibly depressing thinking psychotic thoughts, which of course seem totally, totally real to the sufferer. So it might be good to talk to your wife and her psychiatrist about adding an antidepressant into the mix.

Please have faith you will get through this, although it will take time. Try and persuade her to join a forum like this.

Make sure you look after yourself during this stressful time. You’ll never get this baby hood again.

Sending hugs x

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

Just wondering how you are? It must be distressing to see your wife so unwell but I hope by now her doctor has been able to reassure you about a diagnosis. Please let your family know how you are feeling as it’s important that you also have support. Take care.

Adoo97 profile image

Hello Lilybeth i dont know what to say but she is better but very very tired and like a zombie mode but she is not psychotic or depressed we have a appointment 23may to see a doctor and untill then i dont know what he gonna say to us im so nervous but i hope its gonna be good news for my wife and hoping to decrease her meds so she can feel more alive not so sleepy thanks for your kindness 🙏❤️

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate how difficult it must be to know what to say so I’m very grateful that you have written. It’s good that you feel your wife is better apart from being very tired.

I’m sorry that you feel so nervous about seeing your wife’s doctor on 23rd and what he might say. It might be an idea to write down any questions you have as I always felt a bit overwhelmed in appointments and would forget what I wanted to ask. I hope it will be good news for you both.

I was very tired and slow, like a zombie, when I was ill which was the medication keeping me stable. So I hope the doctor will review your wife’s medication and reduce it if possible.

You have been such a pillar of strength for your wife to lean on at such a stressful time. It’s not easy for you to see your wife struggling. I hope the doctor will be able to reassure you both about a diagnosis and ongoing care.

You are not alone .... we are here for you. Hoping and praying for good news for your wife and your peace of mind. Take care and thank you again for writing.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

Thinking of you and hope your appointment with the doctor tomorrow goes well. I think it will be helpful for you and your wife to find out about a plan for her care. Also perhaps you could let him know how seeing your wife struggling makes you feel quite low too.

Be kind to yourself. ..... hold on to hope. Best wishes to you and your family.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

Just wondering how you are and whether your wife is finding a difference taking medication at night? I hope you are both well and you are feeling a little less anxious and depressed watching your wife recover from such a traumatic illness.

Wishing you peace and hope.

Adoo97 profile image

Hello lilybeth my wife is mutch better now and the medication she takes at night makes her less sleepy at day and she feels more happier and less depressive

Lilybeth profile image

Hello Adoo97

That’s such good news that your wife feels more happier and taking the medication at night makes her less sleepy during the day.

Thank you so much for writing .... please remember to take care of yourself too. Wishing you peace of mind as your wife recovers.

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