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Did the midwife automatically refer y... - Action on Postpar...
Did the midwife automatically refer you to services

Hi Bluelady-sing
I was referred to the specialist mental health nurse (no perinatal MH team in my area at the time) and put under consultant led antenatal care after booking in with the midwives for my second pregnancy because of my risk of PP (having had it after my first son was born) if that’s what you mean.
Hi. I had PP 6.5 years ago with my daughter. I actively contacted the mother and baby unit in planning to have another baby, and then once I was pregnant. In addition, my midwife and my consultant contacted them and I have seen a psychiatrist and a CPN prior to giving birth. It's my due date tomorrow and there's a vague plan in place (mainly monitoring and taking and then upping antidepressants slightly to reduce risk), but a stay at the unit was always a possibility regardless of whether I get ill or not again. I'm obviously hoping I won't, so haven't accepted this offer so far. I have also proactively harvested colostrum so my husband can feed the baby and I can get sleep after he's born, and I'm going against the consultant's advice somewhat to try and have as natural a birth as possible in the hope that natural hormone release will reduce my risk of PP (had planned csection with daughter as she was breach).
My advice is to tell midwife as much as possible about previous mental health and any PP and to ask for a referral, but if this isn't forthcoming, self-refer. I could do this after my 12 week scan in Nottingham.
Hope this helps.
Hi Victoria1982, I just wanted to say all the best for your due date - it sounds like you’ve got plans in place and I hope all goes well. I know how scary it can be having another child after PP and was fortunate to remain well when this happened for us - whilst no perinatal services were available at the time, 6 years ago, I got great info and support from others here who had been through a similar experience and also managed to get some mental health input from professionals even tho the MBU I’d been in had closed.
In case you haven’t seen it, and anyone else reading, I also wanted to let you know that APP has an Insider Guide on planning for pregnancy when you’re at risk of PP:
It’s positive you have professionals around you for support, all the best. Xx
Thank you! Yes I've read that leaflet a few times. Off to see the consultant today as it's the official due date. Funnily enough have been feeling very low and almost like I'm unable to perform because my baby hasn't arrived yet. Also feeling lonely and like some members of my family can't handle my irrational and often self-deprecating feelings, so they avoid me, making me feel yet worse just when I need the TLC. Just completed a meditation to try to refocus on me and the baby and what I need, as well as who else can give me the support I need. It's a struggle but awareness of feelings and actual reality helps me a great deal in returning from low points.
Thank you so much for this space to share and for your good wishes. Thank you.
Hello Victoria1982
I hope your appointment with the consultant went well today. Sorry to hear you have been very low and lonely at times. I think waiting can be a very anxious time for everyone and I hope you can relax a little before baby arrives. I'm glad this space is good for you .... a good place to unwind. Take care ... all the best. x
Hi bluelady-sing,
My midwife referred me to our perinatal mental health team at my booking in appointment of my second pregnancy purely based on having had ppp after my son.
They’ve actually been great at writing a proactive plan that included ways to reduce the likelihood of becoming unwell this time.
Is if possible the plan could be written without cmht.
Did they give y a cesarean section?