Just found this old poem which I wrote when I was leaving the mbu. Thought I would share x
Poem I wrote when leaving mbu - Action on Postpar...
Poem I wrote when leaving mbu
Wow Bumblebeeee ...... such a moving poem! It's very strange when you look back as in spite of this being the beginning of your recovery, leaving the mbu, you were able to put pen to paper and write from your heart.
Although I wasn't in a mother and baby unit I also wrote poetry but it wasn't kept as my recovery took so long. I would like to think I too might have written such a poem, even to myself, as I needed a way out which nearly cost my life too.
What a star ....... thank you. ❤️️
Thank you. I found my old notebook which is full of poems from the mbu. It’s so strange looking back at them all now I’m in such a different place. I was fully convinced they were plotting to kill me when I was in there so most of them are about the drs and death 😪 it’s crazy what your mind can do to you! I feel like I’ve recovered so much from the awful thoughts I was having my whole life was based around them. I’m in such a different place now 🥰
Beautiful. I feel like I read that at just the right time. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing it Bumblebeeee, so much, I too have just seen it at just the right time xxx