Out of curiosity, are mother and baby units for mothers that have just given birth or for those mums struggling and relapsed years down the line? Thanks
Relapsed again.... mother and baby unit? - Action on Postpar...
Relapsed again.... mother and baby unit?

Hi Hayleynevin
I believe Mother and Baby Units take mums up until one year after birth.
I’m really sorry if you’ve relapsed - are you ok and getting support?
Jenny x
Hi Jenny, thank you. I thought that might the case. I am struggling and guess looking for that quick fix (if it even exists) so that I don’t have to put my family through watching this all over again x
Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Are you still under the care of a mental health team? I’d get in touch with them or your GP to discuss how you’re feeling, hopefully you can get the right support and treatment sorted quickly... I can completely understand you not wanting your family to see you unwell or worrying them, but do let them know how you’re feeling too. Take care and keep in touch here if it helps xx
Yes, I’ve seen my GP and I moved from seeing a psychiatrist to a lady that specialises in HRT as they thought that would help me. However since coming off my medication and on HRT alone I have relapsed. I’ve tried to get back in touch with my psychiatrist although she’s on holiday now until first week of August. GP has put me on Prozac but I just don’t think it’s cuttibg it. X
I hope you can get back in touch with your psychiatrist when she’s back from holiday, and can get further advice in the meantime from your GP or someone else in your psychiatrist’s team perhaps, if you’re relapsing there should be a point of contact for getting help? Do you feel things are manageable or that you need urgent help? I would contact your GP / MH team for advice tomorrow if you can, even if just for some reassurance. Take care, it’ll be ok xx

Hi Hayleynevin
So sorry to hear you're struggling. It is an awful feeling and although hard to face I think your family will want what's best for you. Please don't suffer in silence .... it's time to take care of yourself. x
MBU take children up to one year after that it's admitted to adult psychiatric ward. I wish there was something in between.
Hope you get help xx
Im struggling at this stage too because after baby is over one I started getting discharged from everything, perinatal mental health team etc. It seems to be expected that you just deal with relapses yourself with partner and family support. But some of us need more than that xx
I feel so scared because I worry that the best place for me is somewhere we’re i can rest and get a grip of this and I worry that being at home around my family doing that will cause more damage then good for them. But the thought of going to a psych ward scares the life out of me. X

Hello Hayleynevin and Louise4
I'm so sorry you are both struggling some years after PP. I had PP many years ago and relapsed due to reducing my medication without supervision. I was barely functioning at home with my newborn and six year old sons. My husband and family were overwhelmed. My PP episodes were so long ago and before mother and baby units. So I was again admitted to general psychiatric care. I have read from my notes that when interviewed by the Psychiatrist I did say I was very tired and unable to cope with family life.
I think, as mothers, the last thing we like to admit is that we can't cope but it's better to ask for help before you become very ill and recovery takes longer. I have read that your Psychiatrist is on holiday Hayleynevin but wonder if you could speak to someone in his team about how you are feeling? There might be a Registrar in the team you can talk to? Although the thought of going into psychiatric care is a worry, as you say it's time for you to rest and find your place again.
I think Louise4 you could go to your GP and ask to be re-referred to your care team? Your GP does have a duty of care and if you are struggling he should signpost you for the help you need.
Take care both. xx
You are so right, I feel like I’m holding my hands up and saying ‘I’m really struggling’! I’m so tired I can’t think straight. Tho I am sleeping. I’ve self referred myself to the secondary mental health team Nhs and they said someone would call me back but no one has. The psychiatrist secretary basically just says I have to wait till she’s back or contact my GP. The GP has put me on Prozac but I just don’t think it’s cutting it. I guess I’ll just need to wait until the nurse on the Nhs calls me back 😞x

It's an awful feeling I know Hayley, trying to cope and run a home with zero energy!
That's good that you have self referred yourself. If the nurse hasn't called back soon, I would ring again as you should be a priority. Also the psychiatrist's secretary in the circumstances should be able to speak to a Registrar ..... I worked for a psychiatrist and if she was away I could always ask her Registrar for advice. It's not easy when you feel so low to bother anyone but you matter and need answers! x

Hi Hayley
It does seem very unfair .... our mental health is so important. I remember that some days seemed never ending. If you feel it's too much you can visit your local A & E and they should have advisers there specifically for anyone with mental health concerns? For now I hope you get a positive reply from the nhs people. Take care. xx

Hi Hayleynevin
I hope today was a bit better for you and that the nhs people rang you back to offer their advice. Thinking of you .... take care. xx
They are normally are up until baby is a year old unfortunately. Hope all is ok

Hello Hayleynevin
I was just wondering how you are since you last posted? I do hope things are ok.
Thinking of you.
Jenny x
Thank you Jenny. I’m back on all the meds again now and things are getting much better. I’m able to enjoy my time with my girls now and that is absolutely the most important thing xxxx

Hello Hayleynevin
I hope you don't mind that I have posted on your own thread instead of becm's post, where you mentioned that you had seen the psychiatrist and were back on antipsychotics. I was just wondering how you are and hope you are feeling the benefit if the medication has had time take effect. Thinking of you. xx

Hello Haylenevin
Thanks for replying. Sorry to confuse you ..... you sent a note of support to becm on her thread and we carried on a conversation there. So pleased you are feeling heaps better and enjoying family time. Take care. Xx