I didn’t have postpartum psychosis but I’ve had really bad anxiety for my whole pregnancy and postpartum but I’m just run down and exhausted and feel like I have no energy. I feel I could sleep for a week I’m chesty but the doctor says it sounds clear I am so tired I feel like I could be anaemic as I’ve also been short of breath but I’ve been at the doctors so much recently I feel I can’t go back again I just don’t know what to do it doesn’t seem to matter how much I rest I’m just exhausted and I’m exhausted from the constant worrying. My health anxiety is really bad and I can’t stop focusing on my health.
Run down: I didn’t have postpartum... - Action on Postpar...
Run down

Omega 3 in the form of fish oil capsules and flaxseed oil would do you good I am sure also b vitamins zinc evening primrose oil and iron
Thank you I’ve also got no appetite I’m barely eating x

Hi Becci
I'm so sorry you're exhausted. I think you should go back to your GP as he might refer you for tests to find out if there is an underlying cause for your tiredness. It might be your busy lifestyle as I think mums are known for multi-tasking, especially with a new baby in the house It doesn't matter how many times you need to see your GP as long as it will give you peace of mind, especially if you're barely eating. Take good care of yourself. x
It starts off with being busy, then forgetting to eat when anxious and then I also think there’s an element that I just can’t stomach anything sweet after the gestational diabetes and cutting it out. I started my pregnancy at 9 stone and was 8 stone 4 when I gave birth I managed to get up to 8 stone 10 but I’m back to 8 stone 5 again. I’m not classed as underweight on the bmi unless I was 8 stone 2 but it’s more the fact I am not eating enough to give me energy. Most days I’m lucky if I’ve eaten a banana and a packet of crisps and a small tea. I’ve been trying hard all this week to have breakfast but I really have to force it down I just bought some of those weetabix breakfast drinks today as I’m often thirsty I feel I could drink one of those with a banana for breakfast
I actually rang 111 tonight for advice tonight as I felt so drained I had to lie down and they said the same as you to go back and ask for some blood tests to rule out anything else he said if they come back normal it could be post viral fatigue from the chest infection I had in February but he said would need to rule out other causes first

Hi Becci
I'm glad you had advice from 111 although sorry you felt so awful. I hope you can make an appointment with your GP to help with how you have been feeling. Perhaps you could ask for a double appointment so that you can take your time to explain your worries? Take care. x

Hi Becciandbump
That’s good you called 111 for advice, it sounds very sensible to rule out any possible underlying causes for your fatigue and don’t worry about going to your GP too much. Not being able to eat can’t be helping, it sounds a bit of a vicious cycle. I hope the weetabix breakfast drink goes down ok, I guess trying to get small amounts down of things that have a decent calorie content might help give you a bit of energy. Could you put some things out in the morning that are in sight so you don’t forget to eat, and maybe try and graze through the day if a full meal is too much at the moment? I have an awful stomach when I get anxious, I know it’s not appealing... small but kind of stodgy stuff maybe?
Anyway, look after yourself and good luck with the GP.
Take care.
Jenny x
I just feel so embarrassed to ring the gp. I cried on one gp the other week over starting with raynaurds and she did say to not feel bad coming but it’s just with health anxiety I feel embarrassed but this feels physical. I’m supposed to be going to Cambridge in 2 weeks and have to study for the weeks course and it’s the type of brain ache reading I have to do- neurophysiology I’ve been looking forward to the course for so long but I just know if I feel like this still I won’t manage it I just feel exhausted at the thought of a week of having to concentrate I didn’t feel like this a few weeks ago and had been looking forward to going
Try not to feel bad about going to the GP, they’ll want to help and hopefully some blood tests will either rule out a physical cause, or identify one so it can be treated. One step at a time but I do think this is a necessary one, it’ll be ok.
Try not to worry about your course, you could feel very different in a few days and be looking forward to it again Again just take things a step at a time, feeling better is the most important thing, once you’re feeling stronger hopefully everything else will start falling back into place xx

Please don't feel embarrassed about ringing your GP as it's something you have been asked to do by the staff at 111. Also, your GP will have been notified that you rang 111 (usually via fax) so is probably expecting you to make an appointment. The course does sound intense so perhaps this is increasing your anxiety but you might feel different in a few weeks after your consultation with your GP. Take care.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
Your story sounds EXACTLY like mine after the birth of my second child. I felt exhausted , could barely walk up the street I had no energy. I was also plagued with problems with my eyes, feeling constantly spaced out, numb/tingling patches on my body. All tests were ok! I was at my gps several times a week out of desperation and visited several eye specialists, neurologist and ent specialist and no one could give me an explanation for my symptoms meanwhile my anxiety spiralled out of control to the point I couldn’t eat nor sleep and couldn’t leave the house. I had constant tonsillitis.
What turned things around for me were antidepressants. In desperation and after putting off these meds I took them. They gave me my life back . It was still a long and rocky road to recovery but I did.
Sorry I’ve gone on about myself but just wanted to reassure you. It’s really positive you’ve seen gp. If there was anything serious with your health it would’ve been noticed. Have you been offered any talking therapy. Learning to manage the health anxiety would be really great for you - I was taught some cbt techniques for this which helped hugely. Maybe trying different approaches to eating might help - little but often , setting an alarm so you remember to eat something. Do you have good friends and family to help and support you?
Another thing the hugely helped me was exercise. When I was very unwell both physically and mentally all I could manage was walking round the block daily but as I started to recover - as will you - I tried yoga, then step aerobics and found that aerobic exercise hugely alleviated my physical symptoms. A bit of me time can help . X

Hello Becci
Just wondering if you were able to speak to your GP after your feelings of exhaustion? I hope you were able to have blood tests as suggested by 111 staff and have been reassured. Take care.

Hello Becci
Thanks for your update It's good that by having a blood test your GP was able to treat your low ferritin with iron tablets. I hope you're not feeling so exhausted now and more able to study for the course you were looking forward to. We're all here for you. x
The course was amazing I did really well I was working with some highly specialist therapists in the field I work in and was really proud of myself that I managed this on mat leave when I had a 9 month old baby who I was missing for the week it’s given me confidence and skills for my return to work last month

Hello Becci
That's a great achievement and must have boosted your confidence to return to work. Take care.
Don’t get me wrong I felt sick with anxiety whilst I was there and my concentration was not very good reading the articles but I’m just proud of myself for doing it, I don’t know why I booked it while I was on mat leave tbh I booked it in the middle of the night when I was struggling badly with my mood and terrified of becoming really unwell and wanted a week away as a sort of escape it gave me a goal to stay well for the course and now I have the qualification and the tutor said I did well and I conquered my nerves for the week it was pretty hard holding my anxiety and low mood together all day on the course but enjoyed the content of the course and it helped with the loneliness I was feeling being at home all day plus my husband had both kids for the week I thought it might help him see how hard it is being on mat leave because I found some of it hard but he totally aced it and I came back to a really neat and tidy house and the kids had drawn me welcome home pictures I’m lucky to have him x

Hello Becci
Thanks for your update. I'm glad you're proud of yourself as it must have took so much strength to conquer your nerves on the course. It's good to be in the company of others too as it makes a change .... then home to hugs from your loving family x

Hello Becci
I hope things are going well for you. Thinking of you .... take care. x

Hello Becci
Sorry to hear you have been a bit run down again ..... that sounds very painful for you. It's good that it's getting better though, perhaps ear muffs might help in this cold weather? I'm well, thanks for asking. I hope you find time to rest. Xx