Bristol MBU...: I'm being assessed to... - Action on Postpar...

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Bristol MBU...

vix28 profile image
15 Replies

I'm being assessed to go to Bristol MBU...any experiences? I have severe PND with this baby (number 3). I went to Birmingham MBU with number 2 with PP.

I'm feeling very nervous.

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vix28 profile image
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15 Replies
SHaron154abbie profile image

I went to mother and baby uniting in Bournemouth because Bristol was full at the time some of the staff was nice to me they try to help with the baby but because of the illness I didn't trust them I thought they were taken the baby off me they have u cooking they show u how to made bottles there nurses there to give u tablets it like being in u own home but they there if u need them. I was there for two weeks I came home with tablets I stop taken the tablet in December 2016 I felt great after stopping it

Sweenm profile image

My daughter was admitted to Btistol. We can not praise the unit or the staff high enough. We constantly say how lucky she was to be looked after there.

Good Morning vix28,

so many emotions are going through once mind when feeling poorly. I have had no experience of an MBU, but know that my treatment throughout illness and recovery would have been a different one, if there had been a place within my region.

I am sure that there will be quite a few mums, who can give you some reassurance on this forum. I believe that you will be in good hands as there are professionals, who work specifically in this field and focus on the health and welfare of mums and babies, but particularly working out a template of recovery plan tailor-made for you in order to get you back on your feet.

Wishing you well,


littlemiss85 profile image

Hi Vix28, I had PP after having my son 4 years ago and was admitted to Bristol MBU, stayed there for 1 Month. They were absolutely amazing!! I honestly can’t say a bad word, they were so supportive to me and my husband too, and they kept in touch after we left too. I know another person who was there for 3 months and they said the same, absolutely amazing place and staff who go above and beyond what they need to. Really good luck I hope you recover quickly xx

vix28 profile image

Thanks for replying! I wonder if I met you in Birmingham, I was there for about 4 months in 2011. I'm not sure what unit I'm going to now. I'm still at home waiting for a bed. I wish the Exeter one was open now, it'd be so much easier for my family. Vix

littlemiss85 profile image
littlemiss85 in reply to vix28

Hi Vix28, I just wanted to check how you are doing? I read in the other posts that you’ve been transferred to a psychiatric ward, I’m really sorry to hear that and really hope that it’s just short term and that when you’re well enough you can transfer to a MBU with your daughter. How are you doing? I hope you’ve been able to have family and your daughter visit in the daytimes, I know it must be really hard but the best thing you can do is focus on your recovery and everything else will fall into place. Thinking of you and sending lots of well-wishes and love xxx

jododo profile image

I spent 4 months in Bristol MBU New Horizons back in 2011. They were amazing. Not at all like a "typical" psychiatric ward (if such a thing even exists). There are 4 beds, cooking facilities, laundry, garden, nice homely feel. I honestly wouldn't be here without them.

vix28 profile image
vix28 in reply to jododo

Thank you. I really hope I'm able to go to that one as it's closest to where I live. I'm getting worse every day at home. :-(

Ellie_at_APP profile image

Dear vix

I’m sorry you are struggling, I really hope that you get a space in the mbu really soon, Perhaps you are there now?

I’m glad you’ve got some good replies and I hope you’ve got a space at Bristol, it is hard being so far from your family but at least it sounds like a great unit.

Thinking of you


Hello Vix,

I am thinking of you and hope all goes well. The MBU in Bristol sounds like a wonderful and caring place.

Wishing you the best of lock with your recovery.


vix28 profile image

Thanks everyone, I didn’t get a place at Bristol or Winchester as apparently too high risk, I’m absolutely gutted. I was breastfeeding and now I’ve been torn away from my daughter to an acute bed on acute psychiatric ward. I can’t breastfeed any more and put back on Lithium. I actually had faith I’d be going to MBU - I’m so upset at how I’ve been treated but there’s nothing I can do and I feel so unbelievably low I don’t really care anymore 😞

Jenny_at_APP profile image

Hi Vix

I'm very sorry to read this and that you've been separated from your daughter. Have you been given any idea how long you'll be on the ward? Will they assess you for an MBU bed again once your medication takes effect?

Don't lose hope. It must be devastating but hopefully it's for a short time and you'll be with your daughter again very soon. Are you able to see your family, are you far from home?

Thinking of you and sending you hugs.

Jenny x

Helen_84 profile image

Hi Vix,

So sorry to hear that you didn’t get to the MBU, that must be very difficult - being separated from your daughter when you expected to get to an MBU. And I know you were keen to breastfeed so that must be adding to your upset too.

I hope you were placed close to your family so that visiting is easier for you. How are you finding the unit? I was placed in a general psychiatric ward after I developed PP during labour - I know it can sometimes be difficult as they are not always geared up to support the specific needs for maternal mental health issues. I hope you are getting the support you need and can help you start to recover from the PND.

I suffered with PND too and can remember that feeling of not caring about anything - this isn’t you it is the illness. It is so difficult when you are in the midst of it, but with time you will get better. I found therapy very helpful with my recovery too.

Sending a big hug to you xxxx

Ellie_at_APP profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this vix that must be awful... I know that it is hard to see that things could get better but as others have said this is the illness that makes you feel this way, and as you start to recover a bit I’m sure you will be reunited with your daughter and able to go to the mbu. I can understand how you feel let down though.

You are going to get better and recover.

Thinking of you a lot xx

Lilybeth profile image

Hello vix28

How are you feeling since you last posted? I'm sorry you have been separated from your daughter but hopefully this is short term until you are stable and can be transferred to MBU care to continue your recovery.

I was sectioned to mixed general psychiatric care years ago, without my sons, before MBUs. Although initially quite daunting it was the right place for me at the time. I can still remember my mum's voice echoing around the walls declaring, "She shouldn't be in here ... she's only had a baby!"

I hope you have had lots of support from family and friends visiting you. Try to rest as much as you can and take good care of yourself. Sending you a hug :) xx

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