Trying to understand what my awesome husband went through with my two episodes of PP in 2009 and 2013. In your experience, what were the scariest bits of watching/supporting your partner through PP?
Question for the Dads, what was the s... - Action on Postpar...
Question for the Dads, what was the scariest part for you?

Hi DEb12W, I'm not a Dad (sorry!) but I had PP in 2009 and my husband has talked a bit about this to me.
I think for him, it was the thought of me perhaps never getting better when he had to take me to hospital to be sectioned. And then when everyone thought I was recovering well in the MBU, I would take 2 steps forward and 1 back (or even 1 forward and 2 back at times), so that was scary and disappointing at the same time. Thirdly (although I'm not sure he would say it) when I was at home recovering after 3 months as an in-patient, and my confidence was so low, I think he was probably scared on some level that I would never be the person I once was.
Hope this makes some sense. I too have an awesome husband who was my rock in the darkest days and remains my best friend and absolute champion in everything. Although I try not to let his head grow too big from this!
Great question anyway, I'm interested to see some other answers and experiences. xx
Dedication to my partner ...
My partner is my soul mate. He was my full time carer for 6 months and was then gradually re-integrated back to work. There was not much support for him as a carer in 2010...but I suppose I just realised after a while that my man is "as strong as an ox" in mind, body and soul.
He has termination and will power and makes sure our son and his mum are safe and cushioned within the family unit.
He was the one, who fought hard to get me out of a mixed psychiatric hospital.
I am still struggling with the post traumatic stress.
He also made sure that in 2012 I regained 20-20 vision and my eyes received laser treatment...after the psychosis my eye sight got even worse. I could not see my son anymore...I wonder whether other female suffer with long term physical and/or mental health issues after PP recovery?
Yep, my partner is pretty amazing.
To be honest, (as a male partner) I think the scariest thing for me was the ECT. I was really worried that it was dangerous and my partner would not survive. But the doctors did not tell me what was happening, I told them I was anxious, but they seemed not to care about me.