Hi not wrote a blog for a while but wanted to share a positive for the first time i i have had 5 anxiety free days .I made my mind up that its not going to bloody beat me its been hard but its worked.not had any meds just lots of herbal tea.Also quit my job as it was making me worse and feel like a weight has been lifted dont know how we will manage financialy but Im more important than money And today for the first time i went shopping instead of doing it on the internet and i didn't even get anxious it was an amazing feeling and a massive achievement.I am not thinking this is going to end hut only going to get better.If i can do it you all can x
Positive: Hi not wrote a blog for a while... - Anxiety Support
Great message..... Proof that we can and do have positive times with this illness!! Well done you for going shopping lovely...... You should be very proud of yourself xx
Thank you love i am really proud x
Well done Sharon that is brilliant! Hope we can follow in your footsteps x
Fantastic. Baby steps, one day at a time and determination. Good on you
Well done Sharon.
Well done Sharon .. good for you ....x
Well done Sharon, Getting out and about really helps x
thank you all for your comments.Its hard work but really trying to remain positive and not let it beat me xxx
well done sharon that is a great achievement x
Well done, I've had a good week too so hoping it will last x
It will last it will x
Congratulations Sharon. Inspiring for us all!
Well done to you, how wonderful, I bet you feel like a new women!! Lets hope the rest us will be there with you soon X
they key is to stop the negative thoughts from taking over its hard work but the more you do it easier it will get (Im hoping) and chamomile tea lol
well done long may it continue
keep that chin up girl
Thank you dont get me wrong its hard each day but Im working hard to stop the negatives and Im working creating more positives
hey well done
That was the other week lol struggling at the moment with my health anxiety x
o lol well the point is you found the strenth to do it once so you can do it again
Really hope so suffering with tension in my head but of course i think its something else can't calm down
well thats def anxiety
i find doing the 7 in and 11 out realy works and try doing visual mind things picture the sea and sand
write in the sand the words relax and realy see it and say it to ur self
breath in for the count of 7 and breath out for the count of 11 breath out very slow do this arond 10 times
Thank you that has worked x any tips on the tension in my head lol