why are there no crisis helplines availabl... - Anxiety Support

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why are there no crisis helplines available 24 hrs apart from samaritans? shit if you want to kill yourself

merlinthecat profile image
15 Replies
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merlinthecat profile image
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15 Replies


I hope you don't want to kill yourself my love

Samaritans are very good

If you were really feeling bad you can phone emergency Doctors

There is the site

I hope you are ok




Yankee_Doodle profile image


It sounds like you are going through a difficult situation. You are doing the right thing in discussing how you are feeling as we know it is helpful to talk about problems. It’s important to know that help is available and that you can start to feel better and improve given the right support.

It is a good idea to talk through the way you are feeling with a friend or family member if you can. If you need to talk with someone immediately you can call the Samaritans.

It is also worth considering making an appointment with your GP. We find that talking through things with a counsellor or therapist can help you explore how you are feeling and help you make positive choices that will benefit you.

Included below are some numbers which you may find helpful including Anxiety UK’s helpline.

Take care


Helpful contacts



Phone: 08457 90 90 90

Anxiety UK


Call us 08444 775 774 Mon to Fri 09:30-5:30

We are the leading charity for anxiety disorders and all out therapist are experts in the field. You can access to reduced cost therapy to help you in the long term.

NHS Direct


For health advice and reassurance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Phone: 0845 4647

BriarRose profile image

Hi Merlin if you genuinely think you are going to try to kill yourself, and the Samaritans don't help, ring 999 - it's not JUST for physical emergencies. Suicidal thoughts are just as serious!

Hope you get the help you need, hun, and keep blogging - lots of support on here from some lovely people who DO understand!

Love n hugs




I agree Scraggamuffin. That was my experience too. I was feeling very bad about 4 years ago and rang the out of hours service. I got this man who was very unsympathetic and because I found it hard to talk said he had to go as there were others he had to deal with too as he was on his own there. I told him I was going to take an overdose and he said he was going to send the the police round (not an ambulance). He insisted that I ring for an ambulance to avoid the police. The thought of the police coming round was horrendous! So I did ring the ambulance and rang him back and told him. He said he had checked that I did. The paramedics were lovely. They took me to the hospital and said I would get help. Because of a lack of trolleys I was shoved in a chair in the waiting area for several hours in full view of everyone. And the following morning I had a 5 minute chat with a psychiatrist who discharged me saying I would get a call from the out of hours service in a day or two. And that was it. No other follow up.

If I ever decide to try suicide again I will NEVER ever seek help again! It made a bad situation much worse. I never want any involvement with any professional again.

Bev x

MissyC profile image
MissyC in reply to

Hi Bev, sorry you had a bad experiance. I have no idea what you've been through but i just hope that your life gets better and you never end up in that dark place again. Metal illness is overpowering and under estimated. I wish i could take everyones pain away and heal wounds. I feeling like i'm going to lose it soon so I've been looking into spirital retreats where you get away in counrtyside and interact with like minded ppl and do gentle exercise and eat good healthy meals, a weekend doesn't seem long enough though. Hope you turn your experiance into something that could possible help others maybe, maybe ppl like yourself should host your own help line ;-) all the best, take care x

sheffield1978 profile image
sheffield1978 in reply to MissyC

a help line is good but as i feel at the minute i cant put my feelings into words its easier to write does anyone else find this

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to

bev, call the samaritans if you ever feel that way, call them if you feel low - they are not just for suicidal people and will not call anyone unless you ask them to.

Thanks for your comments Missy and Sandra. I have been in a dark place a few times since 4 years ago but have never called for help again. I know about the samaritans but the trouble is I can't talk to anyone when I am like that. Its gone too far. I don't want to live and I know one day I will kill myself. If I had something to do it with now I would. I am on sertroline and mirtazapine which I know from experience won't do the job. Feelings of suicide are always with me. Most times it is just in the background but when I go right down it comes to the fore. It then takes just one little thing to tip me over the edge like a professional getting funny with me which is why I would never ask for help from one again.

I have no relations who understand and only a couple of friends who do. No one else cares whether I live or die really. And if I don't whats the point?

I did once tell my doctor about my suidical thoughts (she is really lovely) but she just said not wanting to live is not the same as wanting to die and did I have a plan? I said I don't do proper plans I will do it suddenly. She then only suggested changing my tablets. None of them could stop me feeling like this so theres no point is there? I have had quite a bit of counselling which has helped but I still feel like this. There is nowhere else to go.

I have certain strategies which help a bit. My home is always in a mess but if I become houseproud and tidy I would have one less reason to kill myself. Thats also why I haven't made a will yet. I have a cat as well (16 now) and I couldn't leave him alone to starve. These things stop me at the moment. And I haven't got a job at the moment which is a double edged sword. On the one hand I am not trapped in a job I have to go to but on the other hand not having one affects my self esteem and I have money worries.

Sorry to highjack your blog merlinthecat. Hope you are feeling a lot better than me.

Bev xx

warren218 profile image

I was in this position a few weeks back. I came out of work early one day and just didn't know what I wanted to go or where to go. I went to a local ambulance station and some very friendly guy took me to A&E. I don't know if I would have killed myself, I just felt I had no answers to what was on my mind. After filling in the form I was just waiting and waiting, tearful and stressed. They then brought me into a room and said that they didn't have the facilities there to deal with it but someone would pick me up from the nearest hospital and take me there. So I just sat in this chair and got so fed up I discharged myself. After walking out of the grounds I just didn't feel like I was able to get on a bus so I went back. I was so pissed off and I asked them for a bed at least! I know other patients had more emergencies, I felt a bit selfish but maybe just a 'time out' would have calmed me. In the end I was just waiting, Friday evening was coming and I just didn't have the patience. So again I discharged myself and got a cab over to my mum's. The police later came round to check on me as I'd discharged myself.

The next day I got a cold and felt so suicidal I told my mum and many of my family became aware. I went to an out of hours doctor but they were no use. They just asked a few questions and advised me to see the doctor again if I wanted the meds upped. Pretty useless experience in my opinion.

I don't know who is based around London but I just found an organisation called Maytree. They take in suicidal people for a few days in the house. Sounds like a good idea and better than going in a psych ward, which I've worked in and a place most people wouldn't want to end up in.

merlinthecat profile image

Tanks to everyone but I notice no one could provide a helpline. I have also had terrible experiences with the crisis team. When I first got PND they were useless, one even hung the phone up on me as he said I was too distressed to hold a conversation, WTF!. I only got admitted to laureat house at wythenshawe hospital after i told one crisis team member how i had been treated and that i was going to kill myself the next time ella cried, so at least he listened to me. Samaritans are no good as they only listen they don't advise and right now I need advise. I'm already under the care of the mental health team and I'm also have psycho dynamic therapy which just seem like counselling to me as he hasn't fixed anything and there have been no stunning revelations from my past, I already know how it has fucked me up. My care co-ordinator just spouts words from text books and sounds patronising when she's supposed to care, but I don't have the courage to ask for a different one. My daughter is two now and I am still struggling.

I have not wanted to look at any of your replies since I posted this but this week has been so bad and tonight I can feel myself struggling to cope that as I have no other avenues to talk to someone I needed to come on here, soo where to start

I dedidedd a few weeks ago I needed to separate from my husband, he has no emotion in him and has never complimented me or shown any physical emotion, we also only have sex about twice a year, this decision was reached because someone else showed an interest in me, this person will never be with me but it made me Alice other people do still find me attractive and to try to find a better relationship and maybe he was the cause of some of my depression, anyway for weeks I wanted to leave but again as always no courage to say anything, he eventually brought it up on Monday and I told him, I am still in the house sleeping on a pullout bed in the junk room, he's still cooking and shopping for me and taking care of me and we are getting along great. I have tried to talk to my only friend about what has happened but she didn't reply to my texts and when I saw her on Thursday was too busy to talk.

So where is all this rambling leading too? I really really need to discuss with someone what has happened? Am I making the right decisions? As luck would have it my psychologist was off sick this week so I missed my therapy session and now tonight I am starting to slip downhill again after having a pretty happy week knowing that my life was going to change. Every night I sit on the sofa and I am desperate to just take my husband in a cuddle and tell him it will all be alright and I will stay and tonight I was so close to doing that but then I remind myself of how unhappy i w this time last week and to hold on to that and the new life I can have. I am so confused, I want my husband in my life but I also want more then that? Do I just my husband because it is familiar and a comfort to me? Or do I really not want to break up with him? But when I think about the possibility of meeting a man who will hug me and compliment me and want to sleep with me i get excited! I really really don't know what to do. If I stay here then if someone else comes along would this not just happen all over again?

So tonight I am really low, I don't think I am thinking Bout suicide but I have been self harming and it is a temptation to do it again tonight as a release, a way of getting attention and also because it is about the only thing I have complete control of in my life.

Pease please can someone anyone out there help me!!!!

in reply to merlinthecat


You sound very upset , confused & anxious

When we are suffering & are at an all time low , we don't always no what we want

Maybe your hubby is like he is , because he doesn't no what to do , he see's you suffering & doesn't no how to help , so keeps his distance

Sometimes it is nice to get attention from someone else , but there are no guarantees , that would last either

Have you thought of writing how you feel & letting your hubby read it & see how he replies to that

You have written down your feelings very well in this blog & it can be hard to talk , but if he read how you felt , it could start a conversation & be a chance for him to reply

I also think for me its never a good idea to make drastic choices , when I am at my worse , as I am never sure if its because I am low or do I really want what I am thinking , so I wait till my head is in a better place

No one can give you the answers , only what they think , but be as sure as you can be this is what you want

As for your medical treatment you have a right , if you are not happy , to say so , just because we are not well , does not mean we have to put up with something , if we don't feel its right for us , I no its not easy to speak up , but if you come on here & keep talking it really helps to give you the strength , to do things you thought you never could

My answer may have been no use

Just wanted to let you no I had read your blog & people are here & will listen




fadedlizard profile image

Hi Merlin,

Just a quick note to let you know I'd read your post too.

Try to focus on getting some rest tonight. If you are able to try not to act on your urge to self harm. Been there and I do appreciate both how great the desire is and how great the relief is afterwards but when you are so desperate it is easy to hurt yourself more than you intended.

I'll try to send a more detailed reply in the morning.

Be Safe

You are not alone.



seyi profile image


I Have read the blog and can understand how confused you are feeling right now. But please think it out because you could end up making the wrong decision.

I agree with whywhy and she has said all. People here do care and will listen and try and help you

Take care


Love Seyi

fadedlizard profile image

Hi Merlin,

Sorry for the delay in replying ~ my own demons got in the way :(

How are you feeling today?

I agree with WhyWhy, try to avoid making big decisions when you feel like this. I'm a right one to talk as my default mode is to run, change this, leave that ... something will make a difference, something will make me feel better. I've moved house, left courses, abandoned relationships all in my effort to feel better but it never worked, the depression and anxiety were still there and half the time I had to go back and try to undo the actions I'd taken. It is really hard to try and stand still but please try.

However you do need to investigate changing your care package. If you care coordinator is causing you more stress than she solves you need another one and you are totally within your right to ask. Are there any services in your area that specialise in PND? I know it depends where you are but it's worth checking out. Be proactive ~ you deserve to get get better.

Please keep posting and let us support you through this.



sheffield1978 profile image

even worse if you try to email took me agood hour to write what i wanted to say about how i was feeling and what was going on in my head ok to get to be able to admit suicidal thoughts there needs to be better help for people that cant speak to someone hell i cant even go to the shop and ask for something

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