I have no control over my anxiety. I am having to take lorazepam every day to control it, and it has not been helping much lately. My diagnosis is bipolar disorder and general anxiety disorder. I can't function. Extensive treatment has yielded very limited results. It just won't end. I don't feel safe. my next stop may be the hospital. I am afraid that I may never get better. It can be an awful diagnosis. God help me.
Frightened and Reaching Out Again - Anxiety and Depre...
Frightened and Reaching Out Again

Dear Riley2001, your anxiety persists because the situation doesn't change.
Taking care of an elderly parent comes with it's own challenges. As people age
their personality changes sometimes into a more hostile one. It's a time in their life
that they have to turn their control over to someone else and it's frightening to them.
You can't possibly do the same thing every day and not start to feel the challenges.
As you do, you get closer and closer to feeling more alone and destitute.
The answer?? You need a break. Anyone around who can take over for a few hours
or a day in allowing you to take care of yourself?
It's imperative to your mental and physical health.
Medications after a while don't work as well and you need to find new tools
for your personal toolbox. You need time to regenerate. Kindness and love can
get stretched thin Riley. It's nothing you are doing wrong. We're here to listen and
support you. Know that you are not alone. This is part of the circle of life. xx
if you feel it’s needed the hospital is a good idea. They can help you get the tools needed. Have you tried therapy too? That has been helpful for me
I have bipolar as well social anxiety and depression