If you need a good laugh... - Anxiety and Depre...
If you need a good laugh...

Better than the original.
He/she is GOOD!
Right? I feel like trying that in my own tub, but I'm pretty sure I'll slip.
Do not try that at home in a tub. A rubber baby pool would be safe. 😁
I'll try it on the lawn with sprinklers after Sillysausage234 is done mowing the lawn.
Lol perfecto. Maybe you can enlist him as your lifeguard.
The gorilla or Sillysausage234 ? They're both naked, one in a tub and the other on a lawnmower. Lifeguards usually at least have on swim trunks. Lifesaving would be very awkward, otherwise.
The gorilla didn’t come to mind and I’d think SS would wear trunks, but I’ve been wrong before so it’s a roll of the dice on that one. Just keep your eyes averted. Lol
I did a lifesaving course once
It just dawned on me that humans are hairless gorillas. We must look so strange, like hairless cats and hairless dogs. We're freaks of nature.
I feel like throwing in some laundry in the tub.