Angels: !!!!!!! - Anxiety and Depre...

Umm - « peaceful battles »?? How and why?
My take on the sentiment above, is that battles (differences) that need to be won, don’t always have to include violence. A person can peacefully reconcile differences diplomatically and strive to unite for the good if both parties are willing. Wisdom is needed to facilitate diplomacy. But not all people are born with that wisdom, some have to accumulate it over time and some never achieve it. We hope that more can achieve and are willing than those who dont. We are supposed to be able to choose the better path of peace, but some don’t, can’t or won’t. Some daily battles are indeed peaceful, but not always. Some things are beyond our control. We just do the best we can when we can.
You could do well in Northern Ireland 'politics' Isinatra?🤔👍
Gosh, no, Adlon. I’ve got enough scars to last a lifetime. I’ll just wave the white flag on that one. Lol
Just a few brain cells needed over here?🙄🥴
I’ll ask around and see if anybody is donating. What’s the mailing address?
Stormont, Belfast, Northern Ireland, it's usually pretty empty most of the time🙄🥴😆😆
Gosh still a tad confused but think I get the gist of it - just about!!