Vanishing: !!!!!!!!! - Anxiety and Depre...
Gosh does it mean other people are an illusion, that they exist only in our minds and we are alone in this world??! gulp……
Not necessarily alone because IF everything is an illusion and IF our mind controls what it illusions, then we can illusion anything we want. I illusion that everything is real and good. Still working out the kinks cuz the illusions I want seem to be pushing back on the good part. You might have better luck than me. 😊
Good grief, haven’t heard of that! Think I am very slowly getting it but still a bit befuddled by it all…but don’t understand why it is an illusion, surely what we see in other people is very real, a reality to us, but obviously different people may see different things to us, but you are saying that none of it is real anyway and we are entitled to our own opinions of course but none of these are right…who is then, I mean right? God or a higher power?? On a more serious note on this memorable day one thing is clear, that we are all united in the way we perceived our beloved monarch and the same adjectives and nouns are used again and again all over the world e.g. respect, dignity, devotion, unfailing service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth - surely if so many of us have this common perception of Her Majesty it surely can’t be an illusion, we can’t all be wrong….unless of course other people don’t exist, we only imagine they do and we are all alone in the world, that thought terrifies me and is the worst scenario imaginable…
Ummm, my mind has just gone haywire….
Philosophy is not an exact science. It’s like a buffet of ideas to help a person make it through life. You pick and choose the idea/ideas from wherever or whomever that makes sense or works for you. If you don’t understand an idea/philosophy, then look for the ones that do. And there are many to choose from. There are no rules or regulations in what ideas to accept. (Unless it promotes violence. That’s my personal rule.) So……Don’t Worry, Be Happy 😁. ( We can all be our own philosophers)
Thanks Isinatra, phew that all makes sense to me - I know I am thick where certain things are concerned and I just can’t get my head round them. I think it may be age-related or something although my mind went completely blank in geometry lessons when I was about 10….and trigometry aargh, sines or tangents or!something - do they even have those nowadays?? I used to have a horrible teacher who yelled at me when I couldn’t understand and put my hand up, I was always sobbing at the back of the class…then one day our teacher was absent so the headmistress took the class and noticed I was pestering her a lot about what was on the blackboard. Anyway, she sent me home with a note for my parents advising an eye test and lo and behold I could see the blackboard clearly for once and my scores started improving!
There is no wrong or right in philosophy and if something appears confusing to you then it might actually be confusing to others. But you don’t know until you ask. And you asked. We can’t learn if we don’t ask. Pox on your teacher. Lol They aren’t all like that, thank goodness. And Geometry? I don’t know if it has changed since school, but you could ask . 😉
I read your reply as hurtful. This is not the type of message that should be written publicly. Just my opinion.... this is Ray's post
When you criticies some one its usual a reflection of yourself !