we all shoud be so lucky to know such a person or soul
happy v day : youtu.be/QhC-CiNjZKk we... - Anxiety and Depre...
happy v day
refering to the song not the young womn
((( wow thks..whew)
lots of hidden lessons from the speakers here...at least for me growing up with horses...
sooooooo sad....shes not some glam doll.......soo sad all men are tottally visual......yep...no men want real********** people ....but then again........isnt R and B soulllll food?????? 101 for many mature people who know socieity standards are
stuuuuuupid..............(sorry im not PC)
whats the latest waist size for women?? 13? oh that sounds comfy ....whats next the corset all again? long necks with neck rings? size 4 feet again????????? thought we outlawed all that stuff years ago.........
olmgosh....found a hair out of place on her head........ohhhhhh wellll.......better luck next time (u dont know the horse show world)
Wow, I really like it so much, it takes me to a beautiful world and fill my heart with hope. Felt as if my heart is telling me it will always be able to beat and that my soul will always shineOh, thanks so much for sharing, I guess it will be my song for the coming days. Happy valentines day ❤️
reach for the stars.......never....believe neg mean people.....never ever let tell u ur less than u are....whatever their problem is ......thats their problmem often bullies and idiots.......find ur sister mentors and gooooo....as they say.....its not....a rehearsal........
in the hosp one girl lost her job to a busy vet practice...we all felt so bad for her..but..didnt know what to say.....twenty minutes lateroff to the side ....the nurses took her under their wing........next day.....she comes in beaming....beaming......jumping up and down....the nurses found her a job in a pet shop........the animals willl love her...her own job, her own money...her self worth...a job.......thnk of what her father or family must have thought....
she went in crushed.......she walked out.........transformed .......a whole new.....lease on life....not a day...a career.....just imagine what her father or famllh thought
what the hello........is going on in that place...!!!!! who or what did someone say to MY daughter!!!!!!!
(the nurses spent all night prep her..clothes interviwes etd etd........
nurses.....mm nurses ......hmm no....never heard of any nurses......sorry bro)
the typical unsung.....
(N......power) (they deny it - seen it a millin times....no one cares)
her own....job.....her own........money........the animals dont care about nothin....
or shed likely have fallen through the cracks.

Thanks so much for those encouraging word, appreciate this so much, you really made my day
well .....u just empowered me banging my head against the system for thrity years.....(not being nice) and why ....everyone has nerves doubt anxiety et etd.....with the right job or village or people......the tree blooms......where it was being eaten alive in toxic envornment....and toxic mean people......who doesnt need good or nice peple or the right environemnt ...horses or people......i had ver very nervous students.....superior talent.....superirior.........a little tlc............get them away from the mean teachers.....that so called sesntivity.....is not a deficit (ok shell never be a seal..who cares) ...in the right environment which she was meant to bein.....she shot up...........and the anxiety and stress goes away with time and supprot ......and if she needs support.....who cares.........i was head of the dept........no one goes near certain people ....gifted in their ways....but seen as lower ...to the ignorant on my staff....ie a violin makes a louse shovel but
omg .......in the right hands........
too often yet anoher case of the ugly duckling.....dont listen to the critics!!!!!
move to the meadow....surrounded by proterive caring guardian trees.....stay away from the thunder heads that come with lightening bolts toward any tree....innocent or not......stay away from them and let them butt heads together....stay with the protetive caring mother or suportive nurtring protective guardian trees.
my first drawings in the hosp were soooo bad my dog hid under the table.....but
the nurses jump up and down aoub any attempt to grow or try...
any job .....my friend bob got job bagging groceries (stepping stones) the nurses are doing back flips......Jeff did his first poem: i have a dog, his name is red.....hes ablue heeler...the end
nurses rave....
i leave the hosp fromexahstion...which veterianairans who are liek seals....shun u...so i had tofight for my job and go back to practice facing alll the vets,,,,,and ...learn horse anesthesia...(bit of pressrue) using a very complicated revferse logic byrd ventilator ....and recovery....and abdomenal emergency surgeries.......only way i could face all that was packing the nurses into the back of my brain....borrow their courage....
long story
not one person believes a word or huh.. ???? from idiot doctors....
all true....no one bleieves a word......except today...thrity years of trying to get them recognition....the sytem alwasy sees us a pateints.....im not......i m a client dont ever call me apatient.......i run.....college depts i run farms...tip of the iceburg.....
u have to find the right people and drive out the doubting thomases.....it our lives not theirs.

Absolutely, Brig!
Cheers, Midori
(thank u - will take allllllll of us........protedting each other from the idiot critics - no one more protective of each oher than circus people.............rightfully so...thank u ...we alllll win must win.........we all must win))