Hello how are you this afternoon? Hope you all are well 😊
hello how are you ?: Hello how are you... - Anxiety and Depre...
hello how are you ?

It's 9.25pm here in the UK -
but fine thank you.
Just relaxing, watching TV.
Hi Mary -
I used to computer program the 8 hour time difference between our two countries..
I'm also English and a rich I mean touch of forgive me Irish and German too..
I'm just bird I mean bored waiting for my OS's to download at the Apple store in California, it takes forever to two computers I mean devices...
What's happening in England ??
Help I'm so bird I mean bored...
How r u
Some sunset I mean smartypants called me a genius in an anonymous text today..
Things that make you go Hmmm....
Doing good. Had a pretty productive day. Hope you are doing well!
I’m doing ok at the mo, in the midlands
I went unconscious at park because of extreme high blood odor I mean pressure.
Hey have any experienced this?
My older brother emailed this endless spew of pure Hatred.
He made me feel like drinking poison, because his words were all pure poisonous.
Boy is he Sick !!! He does have paranoia schizophrenia though...
Am not sure I wanna keep talking to the sicko,
I Cannot ever Make any of my 3 brothers or my evil sister that called the police on me 3 times in One month for arguing, talk to me in a civilized or decent way, so I have no choice but to X them out of my life forever. I will not inform them of this or talk to them any further, forever. Does anyone support me in this ? Hb ? What do your folks think about this ???
I want to know what people think...
Help, this is very difficult for me..
Hey guys it’s okay to respond to me if it’s real generic because I tend to be very Aggressive in my wording because I am a US Marine...
😎 🐳
Okay- I’ve made my decision.
I’m done with him.
I’ve tried my best and it is really brothers me that he is doing this to me.
They clearly will never change and they are quite happy without me.
So I will let them be happy in their misery .
I just can’t handle them anymore.
I guess it’s all over forever with them.
I hope I stick to my guns and don’t beg them to talk to me again like I have been doing. His email was even worse than I said. They are happy without me and I just have to accept this. They must be so very unhappy and I cannot change this.
What are your thoughts on this ?
My only reply to him was - Ouch
and that’s it. What do you all think about this ??? Should I dump the both of them ???
Glad to see you are still posting. Except for a few bad moments I have been having a good week. Dr. "tweaked" med's 2 weeks ago. Stay well