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Ricardo70 profile image
β€’6 Replies


Hi all, since it's the season of ghost's, ghouls, witches and scares I would like to invite all you lovely people to share any true, real life experiences you've had with the paranormal world!!

Any ghost story, long or short and I would love to hear from any professional or amateur paranormal investigators, it doesn't matter all scares welcomed.

Come on join in, no story too small or unbelievable.

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Ricardo70 profile image
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6 Replies
Ricardo70 profile image

Well looks like no replies so far so I'll start the ball rolling.

Many years ago I was a local government visiting officer making sure that our retired folk were claiming all the financial benefits they were entitled to.

I called on this elderly gentleman whom I had visited before to finalize his extra pension credits.

I knocked on the side door and shouted out as he was a little hard of hearing. "It's Richard from the benefits office" I announced, "hello, come in" I hear. As I walked into the kitchen I heard a door close upstairs and footsteps coming down the stairs. Then the door behind me opened and this lady walked in looking surprised and asked me "who are you and what are you doing in my dad's kitchen?" "Oh hello, sorry I'm from Leeds benefits office, I'm visiting your father to finalize his extra pension credits," she looked confused and said, "didn't your office get my message, my father died yesterday morning so I cancelled the visit."

At first I was in complete shock, then it slowly dawned on me that I'd just heard his voice and that door close upstairs with footsteps coming down the stairs?

I turned to his daughter and told her what had just happened. "Well he did say that he was expecting you today, the night before he passed he told me to contact your office to re arrange the visit until he was feeling better." After offering my condolences I went back to my car and just sat there trying to make sense of what I'd just experienced, going over it and questioning what I'd actually heard. In the end I was positive I'd heard his voice and definitely heard the door upstairs followed by the footsteps coming down the stairs, was it all in my head or did it I really just experience that???

It still evokes strong memories in me but still brings a smile to my face thinking about Mr Benson and that little trick he played on me.

God bless him and I know he's in a better place!

Stobban profile image
Stobban in reply to Ricardo70

Yea Many years ago I and my partner were avid hill climbers up in the Highlands of Scotland. On returning after a steep climb we stopped at the base of the mountain to have coffee when three young men appeared. They were dressed strangely, not in climbing gear but more like American aviators. I spoke to them but got no reply. I spoke to a local person much later and he said that an American aeroplane had crashed at the top of the mountain during WW11 when returning to base in Scotland. I checked with this story later and learned all three crew perished when the plane crashed that would explain the dress of the three men we saw. Just to finish, the three ghosts were solid in form and not wisps of mist.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Stobban

Thank you for sharing Stobban :) xx

Ricardo70 profile image
Ricardo70 in reply to Stobban

What a powerful experience , it’s truly mind blowing how many different forms of energy paranormal entities take. πŸ‘πŸ»

Stobban profile image
Stobban in reply to Ricardo70

Yea I can't say I ever believed in the super-natural but when you get caught up in it, it certainly makes you think again. I served in the Royal Navy many moons ago and was stationed at HMS Fort Saint Angelo, Malta, doing patrol work onshore. When the Officer of the Watch and three crew members did 'Rounds' in the evening, ensuring all was well in the base; on occasion, a ghost was sighted of an old women. It was suggested she was looking for her son who was killed when the Fort was under siege many years previously.

This incident with the ghost was logged, with other incidents in the 'Ships Log' which the Captain of the Fort looked at and signed next day. He had noticed the 'Ghost Entries' and band these entries from being recorded in the Ships Log in the future.

A month later the Captain was making his way up to his quarters at the top of the Fort one night, when he saw the old women acting in the same way as others had seen. He did get a scare and later said his hair stood on end. He spoke about it no end. The funniest part was he then ordered that from now on, ''all ghost sightings were now to be logged into the Ships Log by the duty watch.!!''

''What goes around comes around''

Ricardo70 profile image
Ricardo70 in reply to Stobban

Small world my mother is Maltese, I used to spend all my school holidays with my grandparents, they lived in Luqa.My mother used to see two Egyptian looking dogs running across the empty fields when she was a little girl. The Maltese absolutely adore British and American service men and women.

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