I have taken Warfarin for over 25 years for AF (Pacemaker). I want to stop taking it and switch to a herbal/natural product like Nattokinase or Garlic as Warfarin is slowly destroying my kidneys. Has anyone any experience of either of these please?
Warfarin v Nattokinase or Garlic - Anticoagulation S...
Warfarin v Nattokinase or Garlic

It is essential to speak with a doctor before trying natural remedies, as they may not work as well as medication and may interfere with some prescription drugs. All the best from SW France
Thank you. Unfortunately, our doctor is against any sort of natural remedy but I fear that Warfarin is damaging my kidneys after taking it for 25 years.
Like you I have been on warfarin for 25 years, but this is the first time that I have come across the information that it might be bad for my kidneys, so I had to look into it. I am not having any problems with my kidneys and in reading the reports it seems to me that there can be a problem with people's kidneys if their INR is constantly going out of range. I could be wrong but that's just the way I am reading the reports, however if this is the case with yourself it might be the worth getting this sorted out and if you are not self testing then I would say that this might be the way to go. If not moving onto a natural remedy to me would seem to be very risky.
Thanks for your reply. The medics have always denied the link but there are a few reports coming out that suggest it's not great for elderly or long term use but probably better than the DOACs. I have CKD and would like to preserve my kidneys for as long as possible but there is very little help or advice on alternatives. My range is 2 -3 for INR and I keep mine at the lower end with my own self testing. I am seeing a medical herbalist and hope she can help me by possibly reducing my Warfarin dosage with the use of some herbal remedies as stopping Warfarin completely seems to be hard to achieve.