I was put on warfarin over 8 years ago while in hospital having stints put in heart. No clots no issues really but I had a history of having a sleep apnea induced stroke 15 years ago so the hospital doctor on staff put me on Warfarin he said as a precaution. He did it on a hunch not because of any test results. After I was discharged my regular physician just picked up the warfarin off my discharge summary and continued the medication. Well, I should have pushed back then but I did not. I have just change doctors and my new doctor wants to know why I was ever put on warfarin. All I was ever told was as a precaution. Now my new doctor want D.C. the warfarin and neither will the neurologist I went to without running a bunch of expensive test. MRI's heart monitor, ultra sounds. Hey I just want to get off the stuff. Can I just quit taking it. I can't find a doctor who will D.C. it.
Want to stop warfarin: I was put on... - Anticoagulation S...
Want to stop warfarin

Do you have APS? Is this what it is prescribed for? This is a forum for those with APS. If you are on it for APS it could be dangerous to just stop it!
No, I specifically remember the hospital staff physician said he was putting me on warfarin as a precaution. No test, just a
Hunch on his part, but I'm the one taking this stuff and having to submit to blood work every month.
It looks unusual.
I have to be on Warfarin for life because I had my valve replacement surgery. There must be a reason for to be on Warfarin.
There are cases I heard of being on Warfarin for a period of time as a safety and come off.
Your INR is always 1.8?
It is always your choice. I personally would want to know why you were clotting and why you had a stroke. Sounds like in your case the tests are in order, and you would get answers. Many people now that had a stroke are put on blood thinners to prevent another.