I just found out that I had a silent stroke in the past according to a recent MRA. I am starting a med that keeps platelets from sticking together and a statin. I am scared to death of the side effects. Any advice?
starting statins and blood thinners - Anticoagulation S...
starting statins and blood thinners

I'm on a blood thinner Apixaban (Eliquis) and a statin, Atorvastatin. So far no noticeable side effects. I'm also on a shed load of other drugs and supplements due to being diagnosed with Advanced prostate cancer. Good luck to you.
Thank you. Atorvastatin is the one I’m on. Reading about all the side effects makes one pretty frightened. Do you know if you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen with them? I have moderate arthritis and need NAISDs for the pain
Hi. To be honest I avoid ibuprofen and aspirin. However, I do occasionally take paracetamol (Panadol) and no obvious side effects. If your in doubt ring the hospital doctor, they are normally pretty good at answering questions and will even do further tests now that you have started the medications, if they feel it is appropriate.
Hi Milynda, I take Apixaban and no longer worry about taking it. I have always been told that you should not take any NSAIDS if you are on an anti-coagulant. Please check that to be safe. However, I too have arthritis, and both my GP and my pharmacist said that I could use Volterol Gel, ( which contains Diclofenac, a NSAID) in moderation, as very little of it will end up in my bloodstream. I also take paracetamol and if my pain is bad I have co-codamol. I recently started Pravastatin as I wanted a statin which was not metabolized in the liver as I already take other drugs which are hard on the liver. Ibuprofen really is not a good drug to take even though some people seem to take them without a second thought. Keep well!
Do talk to your doctor about the pain issues right away. Do you have to make any lifestyle adjustments as well? If you’re having daily pain and trouble with activities it’s important to start finding ways to improve them now.
I’m also on Eliquis due to APS, and Simvastatin, due to a mini stroke and a brain aneurysm. I’ve not had any side effects from either. I try to be stoic about pain and avoid the pain pills as much as possible but I take Aimovig for migraines. You may have to make adjustments to your daily life, but thank goodness your issues were found so they could be addressed. Keep in touch and best of luck!
I'm on Rivaroxaban and statins. I think I started with the statin you're on but had a bit of a reaction so changed. No problems since then.
I'm on Sintrom /blood thinner and statin..No side effect.zi take my blood thinner in the morning and stating in the evening.
I take Edoxaban, 60mg, one a day at bedtime, and Rosuvastatin, 10 mg I used to be on Simvastatin, 20mg but our surgery has changed some people over. I’ve also just changed from Bisoprolol fumerate 2.5mg to Nebivilol, 10 mg. Fewer side effects. I do do a lot of reading around these drugs and if I can use the minimum needed to get the right result, I’m happier !