Hi. I was admitted to hospital last Friday with heart rate of 144 and told I have AF. Told without anticoagulants I was risking major stroke, heart attack or pulmonary embolism. Now on beta blocker, Warfarin and Fragmin. Worried 😟. Was working on day I was admitted and feeling very anxious. Don’t know what future holds.
Diagnosed last Friday AF: Hi. I was... - Anticoagulation S...
Diagnosed last Friday AF

Hi there Fannyphasbees; First thing; stop worrying; it's a common problem; I've had it for decades. I'm on Metaprolol for it and have no problems. Just take the medication regularly which the doc gives you and carry on as normal. You may have the occasional incident but it's rarely serious and they pass off; often in minutes after starting. Just carry on your life as normal. Mike.
Be reassured my friend. As Corporal Jones would repeat like a headless chicken ... "Don't panic! Don't panic!" But easier to say than achieve. 🤔
Anxiety is a common subject raised in the Forum and I am somewhat surprised you haven't received more replies. Perhaps in the meantime you could use the Search🔎 option at the top, perhaps just "anxiety", to find previous relevant Posts.
Good luck.
Thanks so much.,
It seems my usual routine of reading my daily digest email Posts from the bottom up has failed me, and my comment about "not getting many" replies totally missed the mark ... I have just seen you have a second Post which did draw the fuller response I expected. Doh!🤔
Hi bob, This post is on anticoagulation support forum which is less active than the AF support forum where the other post is. Not sure if the daily digest email is right across Healthunlocked or separate for each forum.
Edit: One digest setting for all your communities/forums
Yes, I am in both AF Support and Anticoagulation Support, but I usually miss the fact that occasionally a Post arrives in my Daily Digest email from the latter Community. That's what happened today with my initial comment, but then penny did finally drop after I saw the "more active" earlier AF Support Post. Doh!
I agree with the advice already proffered - just keep taking the medication. I have had AF for years now and I appear to be Ok. Ensure you have yearly blood tests. I can some times hear my heart beating in my ears when I go to bed, but it does not last long. I take Apixaban, Sotalol, Rosuvastatin and Bndroflumethiazide.
think of it as a safety net- a stroke can be devastatingly traumatic and have a totally debilitating effect on your life. These meds help prevent all that, which surely must be a good thing-my Dad had strokes and a massive one took him off at 67, so I have no qualms about taking meds to prevent it.