This year, 7 yrs after dx & a stroke, I suddenly am experiencing bad pains in my toes. Even getting an occasional pedicure has become such a painful experience that i can’t get one any more!
APS and painful toes and feet - Anticoagulation S...
APS and painful toes and feet
That sounds really horrible loretta1106. I know nothing personally of this but curiosity led me to look it up online to see if it was a known about problem, and this is what I read:'Strokes wreak havoc on the body, and the feet are no exception. The nerve and muscle damage caused by strokes can impact your toes. This results in the over-contracting of toes and spasticity, a condition where you lose control of the voluntary movement of your toe muscles'. Elsewhere I saw this described as 'claw toes'. There was no source quoted for this but it does sound as if there is definitely a connection. I hope this helps and it sounds as if you should be flagging it up with your GP to see what help is available for it.
Thank you.
Hope you get on ok.