In early August I was diagnosed with a bilateral PE, supposedly due to the contraceptive pill. Since then I’ve had a leg ultra sound which showed nothing, and follow up scan due to increased lung pain. The scan showed that the tiny clot on the right lung had gone. however the one on the left hadn’t changed at all. Now 3 weeks after the scan, I’m meant to stop Rivaroxaban in 2 days as my 3 month course is finished.
I’m very worried the left lung clot hasn’t dispersed yet as it hadn’t changed at all just 3 weeks ago. I’m still getting a lot of lung and leg pain. I told this to my GP today and asked if it was possible to have a follow up scan to check the clots were gone and if there was a blood test that could be done to determine genetic factors.
He said I was just being anxious, due to me having anxiety and that “No amount of reassurance will help you”. I feel like he completely missed the point of what I was saying, I’m still in pain and dont want to have to go through the whole ordeal again just because he wouldn’t scan me/test me, as it it took an immense toll mentally and emotionally. He said he can refer me to a specialist.
What should I do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.