Hi, my partner received a letter on Friday re his heart scan and it said he has a weakness in his right ventricle which can sometimes happen after a blood clot which was in his lung. We are trying to make sense of this and what it could mean in terms of further treatment, if any! The only suggestion in the letter was that my partner stay on Apixaban, which I assume will be for life. The Dr also sent him for another D dimer test but that came back as disregarded as ‘it had been put in the wrong colour bottle’ I cannot believe how so many things are either left in mid air or not properly followed up. Does anyone on here have experience of weakness of right ventricle?
Blood Clot on lung and outcome right ... - Anticoagulation S...
Blood Clot on lung and outcome right ventricle weakness
Hi. I was diagnosed with similar damage after my bilat PEs. However, on a repeat heart scan 2 months later it had repaired itself. Ive found on PE forums many people are left and many doctors dont understand about PEs. As for ddimer, it can be raised after PEs. Any unexplained pain etc get checked out. Good luck x
Firstly I am sorry to hear about your partner's scan result diagnosing ventricle damage. This PE is an ongoing beast needing a close eye kept on it.
I am beginning to suspect that "lets just blunder on and see how it turns out" is the mantra adopted for PE treatment. i.e. reactive not proactive treatment.
I had been doing so well. 6 months after a total surprise diagnosis of multiple PE in my lungs with no obvious cause, i was taken off Apixaban and beginning to operate at almost full speed.
I was overconfident in fact. I look back and realise I had taken on too much at work -12 hour days, external meetings and workshops etc. Stupid I know.
Just 5 days ago I hit a brick wall again. Mild breathlessness, lead legs , brain gone foggy. I went to my GP who suggested mild asthma! ( I have no history of asthma previously). I asked about PE recurring or maybe never going away but received a blank look. I asked if going back on Apixaban would help. Again a blank look.
Next week I have a 9 month progress check appointment scheduled at my local cardiac unit. I had a stent fitted at the same time as my PE was diagnosed. So, like your partner, a link between heart and PE maybe ?
I will update with anything cardiac related from that appointment. Meantime very best of luck to you and your partner. This forum is a treasure trove of support for us all !
I'm on apixiban for life following an unprovoked pe, I had right sided damage to my heart too. at my last echocardiogram everything was reported as normal so my heart is shrinking back to normal size which is good to know. I still get breathless, I think its just going to take time for my body to recover.