Hi all,
saw a new Hematologist today, who agreed with you guys re exercise & said he did not know why his older colleague told me not to go to the gym. So I asked him also about foods, as the other guy said I should not eat broccoli & other things as it hinders Warfarin.
This younger Doctor said,''lets start again,'' giving me the chance to ask questions & he'd answer.
By the end of the appointment, I came out of the surgery feeling like a younger guy.
I can start eating (in moderation) broccoli again & I can have blackcurrants and don't have to worry about using garlic in my foods, I should not indulge in the garlic clove whole but instead use it for flavoring the dish.
I can (as you guys said) ride my bike!!! I can go back to the gym!!! I just need to keep away from contact sports.
I feel like a new me, because meal times were just a nightmare. I think this felt worse because I'm on a low carbs diet due to Diabetes & had to think around that one, as we can't eat sugar or high carbs & when you try & get around all of it, having to read every food label to check whats ok for you, you find there's not much you can eat that you actually like, especially when doctors say: you can't eat broccoli, because it has vitamins A, C,D, E & K, in it, which effects the Warfarin.
So, tonight I'm having Cod in Parsley sauce, with bake broccoli & a few small carrots (shouldn't have the carrots really, as they are high in sugar but just two on a day like today...well?
Thank you all for your advice...you were right & I'm looking forward to a slimmer me in the very near future. At present I'm 21 stones & hope to lose 2 lb a week now, so watch this space!
Cheerfulguy (in fact, very cheerful!)