I have a very important question - how dangerous are vaccinations for us? When my older brother fell ill with ALD, my mother was forbidden to give me any vaccinations, so as not to start the same process, but what do you say? Can vaccinations worsen current symptoms or cause new ones, such as cerebral damage? What are neurologists in the US and Europe saying?
ALD and vaccinations: I have a very important... - AMN EASIER
ALD and vaccinations

Totally safe

You are in much more danger from Covid than the vaccine. Vaccines are safe. We all need to study and understand risk. The risk of vaccines causing a problem is very, very small and is unrelated to AMN. The risk of Covid causing you health issues and even death is much higher.
Get the vaccine.
The risk of side effects is very low for everyone. The risk does increase for younger people (<30) simply because more vigorous immune systems can mean a greater response to the vaccine. This, in combination with a very low risk from the disease itself, is the main reason why no vaccine has been approved for general use on children (<18) in the UK. Certainly anyone over the age of 30 should take the vaccine. Of course, if you are immuno-compromised as some of us are, then you should take medical advice.
This is a very helpful comment. I am starting to understand more about the immune system. Your comment that because younger people have more vigorous immune systems must explain, I assume, why some people feel a bit unwell after the jab and others don't?
I am also wondering what can be done to counter the effects of ageing on the immune system. Many claims about gut health suggest that probiotics can help. Not sure if it's at all relevant to AMN.
yes, we have to look after ourselves! Of course the upside to being younger and having a better immune system is that our body deals with the virus itself better. There are lots of people with faulty immune systems giving autoimmune diseases like lupus and MS. I presume there is a large component of luck involved but am sure diet is important. Lots of concern right now about how the population is going to respond to typical winter viruses because our immune systems are out of practice
It is safe