Can anyone explain why I have had discomfort for years, and sometimes pain and tension in the muscles of the lower back? If I stand in one place for a long time, this tension increases so much that I cannot walk and even fall, and the muscles seem to burn and are being torn with forceps. Is it neuropathy? Or is it due to paresis?
Pain in the muscles of the back: Can anyone... - AMN EASIER
Pain in the muscles of the back
Hi, you’ve just described me. I have been diagnosed with neuropathy, so I’d say it’s that.
It sounds ike neuropathy which is very common ALD
We are all very aware that the first thing we usually experience with AMN are problems with balance, walking and stiff or spastic leg muscles. When this occurs, one of the parts of our body that tries to compensate is the lower back, to try to hold us upright.
It follows that, when this persists (and gets worse) over many years, our backs are taking too much, and back problems can develop.
This may have nothing to do with neuropathy as such, but simply a normal adverse reaction to excessive stress and strain.
I have found over the years a similar problem. I also developed some scoliosis of the spine.
The best thing I have found that helps is to build up core muscle strength, and also to stretch and lengthen the lower back. The backstretch done at least once a day, when you get up in the morning has helped me a lot.
I have had lower back pain for many years in the SI joints. I now realise it was one of the first symptoms I had a couple of years before I even realised that there were other problems appearing. I suddenly found it was painful to do pilates that I had been doing for many years. I wasn't diagnosed for about another 5 years and now my back is extremely painful especially whilst sitting.