I'm Ruth, 65 and live in the UK. I recently did the Food for the Brain quiz and came out a bit iffy. So I did as they advised and had my homocysteine tested. The level was 9.4 which puts me at some risk of alzheimers according to their scale. I am aware of my memory and attention being less good than they were.
They advise taking a B12 complex and I have ordered some Holford Connect.
I have two questions. 1) should I take any other tests before I start, to give me a baseline. At the moment I only supplement with magnesium, Evening Primrose Oil and red clover. Oh, and Natural Dessicated Thyroid - my thyroid levels are optimal.
2)Is there anything else I should consider taking?
My B12 and folate were tested 18 months ago, but at that time I was taking a supplement that had them in.