In September I had an ablation ten years after my first which ended in a tamponade. My afib episodes were becoming so frequent, every 3 to 4 weeks and lasting up to 3 days. I wasn't keen on flecainide so declined it. This time the ablation went well and I was put on flecainide whilst still in hospital. I felt euphoric afterwards.I had four and a half months afib free. In my post op appointment the Arrhythmia nurse told me to stop taking flecainide. 10 days later I had afib episode and on the second day my kardia said tachycardia, the first time I've had that reading. I'm now back on flecainide as instructed by Arrhythmia nurse who mentioned possibility of top up ablation.
Ablation-Flecainide-Tachycardia - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Liz
That must have been very disappointing for you to go back into AF after doing so well right after your ablation. I'm really not so sure that your attack was caused by your stopping Flecainide.
It was discovered a few years ago, after my taking Flecainide for many years (not checked by anyone in that time) that it was causing more problems than helping. These days I'm more in favour of people just taking a dose of that drug when they have an AF attack. I remember my EP telling me, at my last check up with him in 2016/17 after my third failed ablation to do my best to get off that drug. He said it in a way as though he was tipping me off that it wasn't a good thing to be taking. Now this is only my opinion and I don't want to scare you as it may be suiting you very well as it does a lot of people.
Since I stopped taking it I've felt so much better. Whereas before I had to mow my back lawn in five goes (with rests in between) I discovered I could now do it in one go.
I now just take the beta blocker Metoprolol and that keeps my heart rate between 60-90bpm though I'm now in constant AF, but can cope with that rate. Before my last ablation it could go up to nearer 200bpm. I really can't say whether my ablations did any good. I wonder if it was them or my turning to an artificial additive free diet.
Thanks Jean. As I've said on here before I wasn't keen on taking flecainide. I felt euphoric after the ablation because I hadn't had a tamponade this time and it was over. The consultant wanted me to take it for a few months only. It's probably just coincidence that I had another afib episode 10 days after stopping it. My heart rate is more often in the 50s. I'm on bisoprolol, dosage halved after ablation, as well as flec. I try to eat artificial additive free diet. I'm vegetarian, make all my meals from scratch including bread. I do eat dark chocolate 85% but only a couple of squares at a time and drink coconut water. I can't mow my lawn, get too exhausted and breathless but thank goodness found a gardener who does it once a month. I'll see what Arrhythmia nurse suggests when she comes back from holiday.
Hello Liz
Ive been taking flec 2 x 50mg a day for about 5 years , since having paroxsymal afib. Its contained any afib about 99.9% of the time, I am unaware of any issues myself I still go out running, I walk a lot and generally feel OK. Personally I have no issues with it after 5 + years
I was taken off flecainide after my second ablation. I did well without it, but kept sone as a pill in my pocket. I started having lots of ectopics, so I went back in flecainide. I’ve experimented with halving the dose. I have to be careful with caffeine, chocolate and dehydration. I think those are my triggers. My Dr. has me get a regular stress test.
Hi, I have Afib and had ablation about six years ago. Am on 50mg Flecainide twice a day. In my case a period of ectopics always seems to preceed going into Afib. These are normally brought on by over indulgence in wine, chocloate or bread. Especially the latter. The ectopics act as an early warning system. If I go onto Afib I immediately hit it hard with 3 or 4 x 50mg and it normally sorts it within an hour or two. I find catching it quickly with extra Flecainide and being aware that, for me, there is a connection with what I eat (and especially carbs). Makes it quite simple to manage (so far 🙂)
Thanks for your remarks. I've never taken extra flecainide as the afib episode started in the short period when I was off it so I wasn't sure what to do. I could be guilty of too many carbs . I make my own bread and it is very more'ish 😆. Sounds like you've got it well under control.
PS. Yes I also ration my caffiene.