I'm waiting for referral at ENT to find out cause of nosebleeds. Had first one about 20 years ago. Gp said bp bit high. Given Ramipril. Nosebleeds stopped for a while. Only medication I took was Ramipril. Wasn't diagnosed with AF till September 2019 at age 75. Point of post is that nosebleeds have increased with age .Turned 80 last June. Weight is 50kg !Gp changed Apixaban from 5mg x2 daily to 2.5. Bleeds have increased slightly and are unpredictable. Thanks Jean jeanie for your post from 5 years ago. I have looked at food & drinks to strengthen blood vessels. I could have vessels cauterised privately but not sure if that would totally stop the unpredictability of them. I'm having a fasting blood test on Friday to check a few things including platelet function. Anyone else had similar experience? Had a short bleed Sunday morning just as I was about to clean teeth. That was convenient. Gp prescribed Naseptin cream few months back. I've taken it for 10 days in the past but few days later bleeds start again. Gp said till referral can take every day!
Nosebleeds and AF meds : I'm waiting... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Nosebleeds and AF meds

l had cauterisation 10 years ago, before AF was diagnosed. I have not had a nose bleed since. Elderly folks are more prone to nose bleeds because of thinning of nasal tissue and the nose being drier. I am now careful of not blowing my nose with force and treat my nose area with respect.
Nose bleeds are awful and frightening. I was in a bad way with mine as they would start at the least movement, even just turning over in bed would do it.
ENT should put an end to all this, as they did me. Cauterisation is quick and painless, so no worries there for you.
Wishing you well.
Thank you Chris for this reassuring post. I'm fed up with wearing my old dark jumpers. Shopping in Tesco last year I had a slight bleed and was talking to a couple about my age. The man had cauterization in Spain where they had lived for a while. He said it hadn't worked so he asked the doctor there to cut out the vessel. That depressed me a little but I decided not to be negative. It did work for him but cost a lot. Now back in uk so they could use nhs, I think.
Try not to worry because ENT will put a stop to them with whatever method they use. The nose is not a big area to deal with. I did have to have my nose done twice before it cured it. They are quite common in old age.
My GP didn’t seem too concerned. I got quite worried and he said not to let a nose bleed upset me. Most unsympathetic!
I know what you are going through, so wish you well and hope you get an early appointment.
2nd October 2024 I had a nose op to cut out a precancerous growth, then surgeon stitched a skin flap over it. Although I have had nosebleeds previously I wonder if they're more frequent after the hacking my nose endured. She did a very good job!
Hi Camelia23,
I was diagnosed with paroxysmal AF in January 2010 and part of my medication was to go onto Bisoprolol - I was then aged 65. The Bisoprolol (5mg - I think) was prescribed to be taken in the morning. It wasn't too long before I started getting regular, but, random, full flow nose bleeds which took a while to stop.
Had a good old moan to my GP who got out her book of magic potions and brews and said take Bisoprolol at night. I did this ......... no more nose bleeds, even to today as I write - I'm 80 now and still take my beta blockers at night - no sweat.
I might add I was on Bisoprolol for 12 years, then went onto Nebivolol and nowadays, finally, on Sotalol. No sweat, I take all these beta blockers at night.
Hope this helps. I think the basis for all this is by taking at night you get the medication all day BUT by taking at night all the drama of side effects occur when you are asleep. Maybe suggest it to your GP if appropriate.