had my ablation 3 days ago. Been ok since
Tonight my hr is 81. Normal 50. Been 55 last 3 days
Should I take a bisoprolol to calm it down ?
Don’t want to go into af
The ep said no tablets apart from apixaban or pill in the pocket
had my ablation 3 days ago. Been ok since
Tonight my hr is 81. Normal 50. Been 55 last 3 days
Should I take a bisoprolol to calm it down ?
Don’t want to go into af
The ep said no tablets apart from apixaban or pill in the pocket
It's quite normal to have higher heart rate fir some time after an ablation.
If your EP told you not to take any other drugs then take notice. What is your pill in pocket drug?
If you are still concerned do speak to the hospital where you had your ablation. It is very early days.
A normal H.R at reat is 100 or less.
So be patient and allow it to settle I would say. Your worrying is pushing it up.
Relax and enjoy the pampering - I hope from those around you.
Put your testing equipment away. Use only as instructed ot you feel unwell.
cherio Joy. 76. (NZ)
personally I’d not think it was high if it were me. After ablation you do get ups and down well I did and a few afib as well as ectopics
Three days is very early. Remember it will be months before the dear old heart gets over this invasion.
Chin up
Rest up
Ring the ward where you had the procedure. They will advise you properly or get in touch with your EP is necessary. Or, if possible, contact the arrhythmia nurses at the hospital. Best wishes
I had this following my ablation and my heart rate was still at 84bpm at my 4 month review, it has now settled at around 72bpm (it used to be about 62). I am 10 months post ablation and my EP isn't concerned, he says it can take a long time for the heart rate to reduce and sometimes it doesn't but this isn't a bad sign as long as it stays within normal range. I am still on Sotalol as lbeit a lower dose.
Thanks. I’m just wondering should I be on meds for a month or so to help the heart. But the ep said no as I don’t take any before the ablation
My EP is a firm believer in staying on a low dose of antiarrhythmics or beta blockers as he likes 'belt and braces'. I doubt I will ever come off them entirely but I have to be led by him. He is extremely experienced and a Professor recognised in this Country and internationally. I would ask, my heart seems to be well controlled at the moment and I don't want to take any risks
Bound to bounce a bit, stress is the enemy, stay calm, stroke the cat, stare mindlessly into space but breath, I mean really breathe...long & slow with pauses. I don't know how real the science is but I read about triggering he vagus nerve with controlled breathing, looked it up on YouTube & tried it out. Maybe it worked or maybe because I was concentrating on being calm it worked, but the result was a drop down to normal for me at least. I also do it when I'm finding sleep difficult, again it generally works for whatever reason.
I had my cryo-ablation over 3 years ago. To now, it was a great success. However my heart rate did get a big reset. Before hand I was in the 50's at rest,...to low 40's overnight. Afterwards I was in the 80-90 range during the day with some tachy runs to 125 while walking. To this day my overnight low is 59,...never any lower. And I am fairly athletic. EP told me my HR would be higher and would never come back down to what it had been. He was right, though it did gradually settle to be in the low 70's during the day. At this point I realize I actually feel better with a bit higher (normal?) rate. I was on a small dose of beta blocker long term before the ablation however. And though he allowed me to try creative dosing after the ablation, I ran into more blips and beeps with it than without it so I stopped entirely and haven't been on them since. Also tried some pill in pocket anti anxiety meds to deal. I continued to improve well past the 6 month mark (fewer PAC's and lowered rate),...even up to the one year anniversary. Best of luck with your recovery...as others are saying,...rest and relax if you can and seek counsel as needed.
Yep, seems pretty normal after an ablation. Mine was higher at rest for a few months. Have read on this site that it is good indication on ablation success if HR is higher.