Has anyone had any allergic reactions to beta blockers - I’ve been struggling with a horrid itchy rash inflamed skin and spots since initially taking Bisoprolol - I’m off it now but Doc said it could take weeks to leave my system! Help😦
Allergic reaction!?: Has anyone had any... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Allergic reaction!?

Try chickweed cream - ensure it’s a reputable and preferably an organic manufacturer.
Hi,I was on bisoprolol for a long time but suddenly developed a horribly,itchy rash all over my body. A dermatologist diagnosed lichen planus and I had to have really strong steroid ointment to treat it. She said beta-blockers are known to cause this. Had to switch to ditiazem. I still have the marks firm the rash two years later.
Yes Bisoprolol gave me a painful rash. I was weaned off it and proscribed an antihistamine. The rashes became less painful and less often, though I couldn't eat tomatoes or grapes without getting a rash. It took 4 years to completely leave my body. I was taken off all beta blockers.
I had a similar itchy rash (burning feeling) all over but in my case it was most likely due to furosemide (although I was and am still on Carvedilol) as it steadily worsened as my dose was increased. I was prescribed Fexofenadine twice daily to deal with it & have had no further issues. I would try Fexofenadine (which you can buy over the counter) and see if it works.
I used to get terrible itchy rash around neck and chest /back area when I was on bisoprolol, I was prescribed timodine to clear it and it did very quickly, but this was some time after I stopped taking the beta blocker.
I had a similar reaction to Apixaban, also to Paxlovid, which I took for Covid. I still get hives, but I use Benadryl- an antihistamine gel that probably goes under some other name in the UK- that I put on the itchy areas only. It works well.
Yes unfortunately I've developed skin spots similar to boils or acne but I think aggravated by my BP meds too. Bisoprolol though has caused me to retain an annoying croaky voice and a cough as it's contraindicated for an auto immune condition I have but nothing else works as well on my heart rate. I have been able to decrease my dose which helps a little and maintains a HR of around 58-68.
Phew - nasty- dyou think these rashes and spots are part of the condition?
No I think they are drug related. My spots improved when meds were swapped and returned when back on the current regimen. I have at this very moment a boil on the side of my nose and no amount of concealer or foundation is going to cover it. 😒
Been on Statins, Ramipril, Aspirin, Bisoprolol for 2.5 years since a silent heart attack. About 9 months ago I began to develop a rash which has never really gone away. Previously my skin was really good. Dr suggested I stop taking Ramipril in case it was a allergic reaction but made little difference so I am taking it again - no better no worse. Th diagnosis is now eczema but I am really interested to read others experience after taking Bisoprolol which sound very similar. Need to explore this with Dr/Pharmacist.
Hi there- yes now I’m back on bisoprolol with the rash still there- no diagnosis of the rash though - have tried everything like wearing cotton only- changing detergents and shower products etc- all of which ease it but don’t clear it- wondering if it’s viral? But I do find using E45 and Aveeno products help-