Things are definitely settling down. No AF, still some ectopics but fewer runs and bigemini than immediately after the ablation. In week two I started doing yoga with Adriene on YouTube to be doing something. It has been a revelation for my joints, though some of the poses cause ectopics. I was running 2 x 5k and 1 x 10k at low HR prior to the ablation. Last week (week 4), I started couch to 5k (5 mins walking, 6x 60s jogging,90s walking) with no ill effects. I am just on apixaban as before with bisoprolol and flecanide as pip.
The best thing has been improved sleep. I just feel more rested when I wake up and have less of an anxious feeling when I wake up in the night than pre-ablation. Also my arthritic hips hurt less perhaps because of the yoga - unexpected side effect! My 87 yo mother does the Yoga with Adriene - the 10 minute sessions on a chair, so I heartily recommend them to anyone who has been told to get moving.