Hi, just a quick update after my ablation, I know Julie5180 and Jomama have also both recently had an ablation and thank you both for your messages. I am sorry, but for some reason, i can not reply to you by private message, so I hope that you both read this and are resting and recovering. Please let us know how you are both doing.
I am getting on with my life as usual, although i am not back to exercising. I still feel very tired and lacking in energy. My heart is definitely calmer, but i am getting ectopic beats that feel like a whack in my chest. These seem to be worse some days than others. I still do not feel back to "normal", but I am not sure what normal is, especially as i have been on bisoprolol since last June. I am looking forward to seeing my EP on 21st April, by which time i hope that my heart will be calmer and i can come off all medication. X