Hello everyone, I have PAF and I take Edoxaban 60 mg daily. I have to have 2 teeth extractions. My dentist has advised me that I don't have to stop taking this to have my teeth out. I find this odd . Any advice please
Hello everyone, I have PAF and I take Edoxaban 60 mg daily. I have to have 2 teeth extractions. My dentist has advised me that I don't have to stop taking this to have my teeth out. I find this odd . Any advice please
Your dentist is right. I have never stopped anticoagulation for any extractions.
I've had single teeth taken out without the need to stop Apixaban but my last appointment was for a horror which took the dentist over an hour to cut and drill out - horrendous. I've had no problems with excess bleeding so trust your dentist -
I'm taking Apixaban and I was fine with an extraction earlier this year. I had some bleeding following the extraction but my dentist had no problem whatsoever controlling it. He considered one stitch but decided it wasn't necessary and he was correct. I should also mention that my research prior to the extraction sufficiently addressed any concerns I had about not stopping the Apixaban.
I didn't stop my Warfarin when I had a back tooth removed. Trust your dentist and please don't worry.
It’s normal as long as they know your medication beforehand, I had one out while on Apixaban, they should use non-adrenaline anaesthetic too if you have PAF.
Best wishes
However, be aware there are exceptions to the rule. I had an extraction earlier this year and the dentist said to continue with my rivaroxaban, it wasn't a big tooth. I followed all instructions about post extraction bleeding, but nothing was stopping it. On the advice of the out of hours dentist later that evening I went to A+E and sat for a tortuous five hours through the night with heavy bleeding in my mouth. Eventually the medics stopped it and got back home. My dentist couldn't understand why this had happened. Sympathy is all well and good but I'm certain if I had stopped the rivaroxaban the day before the extraction, it wouldn't have happened. Your choice, your risk.
I had the same trouble with bleeding as you, the dentist had already put stitches in! I wish I had followed my common sense to stop Rivaroxoban the day before, I will know for next time.
Excessive bleeding can occur after an extraction even without anti coagulants- that's why everybody gets strict instructions not to rinse or disturb the packing for 24hrs in case this happens, It's just bad luck. I no longer live in the UK, but from reading the comments on these pages, NHS dentists seems to be doing far more extractions than ever before. Unlike Sharks we only get one set of permanent teeth and every effort should be made to save them.
NHS dentists are as easy to find as frog hair. These days there's little choice but to be treated privately and pay a small fortune for the pleasure, even when things go wrong.
I had 3 teeth extracted. Stopped edoxaban for 24 hours. No problems
I had my last HA in Feb 2024 and on Apixaban 5mg & Clopidogrel 75mg amongst others. Need a root extraction in order for a dental implant but have agreed with Dentist to wait until after Feb 2025 when I stop taking the Clopidogrel before having it carried out. No worries about having an extraction with taking Apixaban (plus I’ve had them before when taking Edoxaban) - just have a word with Dentist as to whether they’d like you to stop taking that morning etc. Good luck.
I had a renew of an old filling few weeks ago, told fine on Apixaban no worries.On removing the old filling he caught my gum and I bled for about 90 mins. He struggled to get it to stop. I was not happy, if it was a tooth I think I would have ended up in A&E.
My dentist is aware of me taking Rivaroxaban and I've never had to stop taking it. I've had a tooth extraction in the past without issue.
I had two teeth out recently. The dentist said the same. I had problems with bleeding. It stopped once but then began a few hours later. I went back to the dentist who then had to stitch the gum. Even then there was slight bleeding for a few hours. I didn’t enjoy the experience.
I recently had a tooth extracted and was advised that I didn’t have to stop taking anticoagulant, I wish I had ignored that advice as the bleeding wouldn’t stop and every time I woke at night I had a mouthful of blood, also had a dry socket as it couldn’t heal properly, I stopped taking the anticoagulant for about 5 days to try and stop the bleeding.
Can you delay it until after? I'n on PRADAXA 110 but twice a day. I simply delated it until after.
The last 4 teeth removed were up near the sinus so 1 by 1 removed at the hospital.
But I took antibiotics as I have a heart murmur. And especially the 1 infected.
Are they bottom jaw teeth?
cherio Joy. 75 (NZ)
On two occasions when I have had extractions I was advised not to take my morning dose of Apixaban.
My dentist was concerned but my cardiologist said that he would only stop Eliquis is more than 2 teeth were being extracted. It is dependent on which teeth as uppers are usually bigger bleeders.
Hi. My dentist told me I didn't need to stop taking Apixaban but my EP, who I happened to speak to a few days before, recommended I stop for 24 hours beforehand so I followed the EPs advice.
I had a wisdom tooth extracted this year and am on Apixapan . I did not stop taking it also. I was fine bleeding stopped quickly and healed well
Good luck
When I was a dental nurse, years ago now, only Warfarin was available then and we had to tell patients to stop it for 48 hours before their extractions, but I never had to stop my Edoxaban when I had a tooth out. The dentist will pack the socket with a gauze pad and get you to bite on it, if there was any excess bleeding. My incisor tooth root was curled at the bottom, so the dentist had quite a job getting it out and it didn’t bleed excessively, as he packed my socket and I was fine. I’m sure you’ll be ok as well. Obviously, I saw many extractions and can’t recall anyone having problems with excess bleeding, as the dentist can usually deal with that.
there is a sponge they can put in the socket to help stop bleeding . We used it routinely for patients on anticoagulants. Don’t rinse too much and don’t let your tongue fiddle with the socket.
I have had different instructions from diff. dentists in the same practice. I was told no need to stop apixaban but omitted morning doses on both occasions. In the event both suggested omitting evening dose as well.On another occasion when I did the same having been told no need, the dentist actually removing the tooth would have preferred be to omit previous days doses as well but did it, very expertly and no stitch even.
I was told that they use some type of coagulant to stop bleeding after extraction
I don't know if this is any help, but I had to have a wisdom tooth out just before Christmas, at 24 hours notice. I stopped taking my Apixaban the morning I was told about the extraction. I just had 24 hours before the job was done, and my NHS dentist and my neighbour (a cardiac nurse) both said to resume the blood thinners the following morning. I've been fine! Only 1 paracetamol needed. Felt as if I'd been punched in the face for a few days, but right as rain after a couple of days. No bleeding, nothing! All the best!
had a wisdom tooth removed with no real excessive bleeding whilst on rivaroxaban. A used teabag makes an excellent compress afterwards
Interesting to see so many different approaches to this. My dentist required approval from my EP to have a tooth extracted. The EP had me off apixaban for several days ahead of time and 1 day afterwards.
How interesting. Mum, 75, (edoxaban and BBs) has regular tooth infections and while the offending teeth really need removal, the dentist always opts for antibiotics. He seems to prefer that to the rigmarole of stopping the anti-c and performing extraction and she is happy with that. Someone here said it is generally better to try and save teeth over removal so maybe that's why too. I suppose the point is, he seems to think she would need to stop the anti-c for any extraction. I expect it depends on the individual (patient and dentist).
Thankyou for all you comments
late to the conversation but my dentist told me to stop Apixaban 24hrs before the extraction. All went well. No severe bleeding but I wasn’t particularly happy about stopping it. When I was going to have Cardioversion (which didn’t happen in the end) I was asked if I had missed any doses of Apixaban during the last month. I had missed one dose about two weeks before. They wouldn’t do a Cardioversion unless I had been taking Apixaban fully for the month. Which makes me think that there maybe a small risk of a clot having formed even with only missing one dose.
Quite normal, same with me. I did not have to stop taking Edoxaban with my extraction. I think its only if the have to do extensive work that this would change.