I am going to need to have a tooth taken out, probably next week. Does anyone know if I need to stop taking my Edoxaban (I am hoping not)? If so, for how long beforehand? Anything else I should know before the procedure? Thank you.
Tooth extraction: I am going to need to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Tooth extraction

I didn't when I had an extraction.
Make sure to tell the dentist that you have AF and you need the anesthetic with no adrenaline.
It may be worth checking with the surgery what they want you to do about anticoagulation
Click on the link below then click on “scenario Edoxaban” for NICE guidance then scroll down to dental advice. If you are not from the U.K., NICE is the UK advisory board for health issues.
I’ve had a couple of extractions - one a real nasty wisdom tooth and didn’t have to stop Apixaban. As Mike says, talk it over with your dentist and discuss adrenaline free injections. I found them to be perfectly OK but was warned that they are not quite as effective and don’t last as long. My face was numb for 3 hours 😀
For an upper extraction, the dentist packed the socket with dissolving haemostatic gauze and put in two stitches. Lower smash and grab raid on the wisdom tooth had no packing. In both cases bleeding was minimal and I had normal pink oozing for 24 hours. Best wishes.
Hi my Doc said just don't take it the night before, I'm on Rivaroxaban. I've always been fine. But my other half who's also has AF and on the same meds went to the hygienist for a clean and they would not do it without using a special anaesthetic and doing it over 2 sessions due to the tablet!!
Also please ask for the injection without adrenalin... Just to be on the safe side as some say it can trigger AF. They always give me it no problem once I've explained about the evil AF. Xox
My oral surgeon wouldn't do an extraction if I was taking blood thinner. My EP told me to stop it 2 days before, I stopped 3 days before just to make sure. When I had previous oral surgery about 2 years ago, I forgot about it and the surgeon said I was bleeding profusely. So I think it helped me to get off it this time.
My husband has had several extractions on warfarin ( I realise a different anticoagulant) never had any problem.
I have a tooth out a few months ago . The dentist said not to take my , rivaroxaban that day till 4 hours after the tooth was removed , it was my first dental work since on it . She was lovely , she stitched the gap . I sat for 30 minutes in the next room after the extraction . She gave me a cotton wad to bite on . Said everything looked ok .not a heavy bleed . When i got home . After a little while some chicken soup . Wow i enjoyed it . Took my BT later . All was ok . Ten days later stiches out . And BT 4 hours , later . Was not as nad as i thought it would be , good luck .
I am on warfarin and they just asked me to have my INR at about 2.5 for the extraction. There were no issues. My dentist was concerned about any parts breaking off my strangely shaped roots. He said he would not remove any such himself if it happened, but would refer me to the dental hospital. As it was, he was extremely careful and the tooth came out in one piece. I stayed at the surgery for about 40 minutes biting down on a thick gauze pad and was checked out before leaving. It took longer than I expected due to his caution about any breakages, but there was no pain. Just pressure and manipulation to loosen the tooth. It was a large molar. It did bleed, but I rested for 24 hours and religiously followed the aftercare rinsing regime the next day and everything healed beautifully. I would recommend having somebody do the driving, as it is a bit of a shock to the system and I was very glad I didn’t have to drive home. I’m sure you will be fine. Sorry it wasn’t about your specific anti coagulant but hopefully of some assistance. 😃
I recently had a large molar removed and I stopped my apixaban the night before and the next morning. Usual that evening. (apixaban is one in morning and one at night). My EP thought it unnecessary to stop, but the hospital dentist preferred me to do that. It didn’t bleed much, but took a while longer to heal than when I had a tooth out once before when I was younger, but that may well have been old age healing.
By the way, with anaesthetic please make sure that it is the one without the adrenaline for Afib patients. Let the dentist know before your procedure so that he has that one in place ready.
You will be fine. Good luck
No I didn’t have to stop mine and I didn’t experience much bleeding at all. Your dentist needs to know you have an afib history and to use the type of pain injection that doesn’t affect your heart rate. I remember I stressed so bad before I had my tooth taken out and it was a piece of cake 😁
Hello..l had a tooth out recently with no problems and l am
on Apixaban. As long as your dentist knows.
It took a bit longer to stop bleeding and the gap to heal
over but that was all. You should be fine.
Oh my, I had an extraction and boy did I bleed. I went to emergency twice. My dentist had left a large gapping hole, and did not read my medical report. It did eventually stop bleeding. I finally went to a dental surgeon- it was under control by then. So now my extractions are only done by a dental surgeon.
Hey does the Laughing gas ( that does not make me laugh) have adrenaline in it.
My Dr. told me to quit taking my Eliquis 2 days before and start taking agin the night of the tooth extraction. You should ask your Dr. that put you on it.