I have AF, I also have arthritis in my neck which is very painful but I cannot take anti-inflammatory medication because of the anticoagulant and stomach issues. Someone suggested that maybe I could try a TENS machine for pain relief. Can anyone tell me if this is safe with AF and possible slight heart failure. I will ask my cardiologist in Jan when I see him but wondered if anyone had any experience with similar
can I use a TENS machine: I have AF, I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
can I use a TENS machine
I'm almost 4 weeks out from a total knee replacement and also have AFl/AF. My physical therapist used a TENS around my knee but she commented that knowing I have AFl/AF would not use it around or near my chest/heart area. I didn't ask her details but maybe others here can post with their experiences.
Almost identical question asked a few months ago - you may find the thread useful
I would err on the side of caution and not use on your neck.
Hiya Truffles2,
I pretty much go along with FraserB's comments, Used it on knees and top of the neck and shoulder area of my back. its a temporary relief thingy, nothing to get excited about but it does help improve mobility/flexibility. I also take Warfarin and because of this my pain relief is limited to CoCodomol 30/500 ( prescription grade) BUT it does work for me and I can switch it on/off depending on my bone pain. In fact post knee replacement surgery years ago I found CoCodomol worked better at pain relief than morphine, particularly when doing my exercises. I have also found that I can handle CoCodomol with my gut issues that emerge from time to time. All that said, I have taken some anti inflammatories occasionally for very short time frames without upsetting my INR test results.
I would consult a qualified physiotherapist about your neck pain. Sometimes the pain in joints feels worse because of how tense our muscles are. A physio might be able to release some of the tension and give you some tailored exercises to keep the muscles strong enough to support the bones.
I agree with Frazer B, do not use it round chest/ heart area. I have a foot/ calf tens machine and can be strong depending how much I’ve set it. I also have neck problem and see an osteopath who’s quite careful.
Io lo uso per i miei dolori alla schiena anche ad intensità abbastanza forte. Nessun problema per il cuore. Devi solo seguire le avvertenze. Auguri
I was told no by my doctor and now have a pacemaker so again, no for me
I. have no problems when I use it on the bottom of legs or low low back for bladder control.
Pain killers codeine and paracetamol. After operations, I have been given tramadol, oxy-norm.
The latter with a very short time and then I revert to paracetamol before giving it all up.
And there are foods like tummeric, garlic, ginger, Vit A, and Vit C.
Take care.
Cherio JOY. 75 (NZ)
well I have PAF and my TENS is a life saver for my back/neck pain. Been using it for years. Has never set off AF. I use it on lower and upper back. It’s too strong for the neck anyway.
I agree with Frootbat, I have a lot of back pain and have been using a machine for years. Try it and see. AF clinic said it shouldn’t cause a problem but you will only find out if you try. Good luck, it helps me.
as a retired physio, absolutely no TENs if pacemaker. Otherwise ok if not around heart and neck in front of ears (carotid arteries). To benefit from TENs you have to use it 5-6 hours a day everyday for 2 weeks, not to use while driving, operating machinery etc. if no benefit by 2 weeks not working but so many people just use now and then and no benefit. TENs works by stimulating small nerves that block larger pain nerves, so turn the machine up so that you can feel it, then down to minimal sensation, avoid temptation to turn it up high to get counter-irritant affect as can exacerbate pain. If better after 2 weeks use it 2-3 times a week as needed.
I use it for lower back pain and good results after one day(~5hrs). Been using it for about 10 years, whenever pain is present.
Thank you. As a retired physio, what do you think about acupuncture? Could that help?
I am also retired after 25 years plus as an acupuncturist. Lots of physios are also acupuncturists, to find one look on Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) to find one near you. Acupuncture can be very effective for pain, I treat my own neck with it!!
We are all different. I didn't use mine because of AF but last year gave it a go and it was fine. I was ready to whip it off if I had palpitations, I kept it to minimum time and setting to help my frozen shoulder.
I have no AF but do get arrhythmias . GP told me yes as long as I don't use it directly in heart a r ea. I use it on my lumbar spine and hips. It's on a different frequency to the arrhythmias.
My doctor and PT both told me that I could use tens but it can be dangerous that close to a pacemaker (not sure if you have one).
The TENS machine will be quite safe. I take an occasional diazepam tablet for neck pain. Most GPs are reluctant to give this as in a minority, it has the potential to become addictive. If taken occasionally, however, this cannot happen. It's not a wonder drug but helps and is safe with AF.
I've used it for years and I have AFib and HF. Haven't tried on my neck yet but think it might be turned to lowest level to start. Pads s/b close to the pain point. I went to physio and found moving chin inwards helped also.
Personally, l would be in doubt and would want very good assurance that it is ok to use on the neck. It’s very close to the heart, especially the front of the neck where the Jugular vein is. When l recently had an echocardiogram the probe went over my neck. The arteries and veins from the heart go to the neck.
It wouldn’t be the front. It’s my cervical spine that’s the problem. But as you say still near my heart so think I will wait until I’ve seen my cardiologist in early Jan. Just thought it might be a good Christmas present to ask for
I have arthritis of the neck and it is very painful and miserable. I am having a “flare up.” At the moment. It affects my ears, eyes and gives painful headaches. Lots of people seem to be suffering with their arthritis, so it must be the time of year. Ask your Cardiologist and see if it’s ok to use. It perhaps will be for you, but better to be safe than sorry. My daughter has a Tens machine for her back, but l am too afraid to try it on my neck. Let us know how you get on.
Truffles2 My dog regularly has acupuncture and I can tell you that it is very effective! She pulls to go into the vet's room (only vets can administer it to dogs) and then puts her head on the vet's knee and snores once all the needles are in There can be no placebo effect with dogs. I have heard that some acupuncturists are better than others though.