Out of interest how long did headaches and tiredness last for after ablation?
I had mine a week ago today, for the first 2 days I had 4-5 migraines with aura each day. Each only lasted 20 minutes and were mainly just aura with a very mild headache. Then nothing for a couple of days. Now I’m getting medium headaches (not migraines) that pretty much last all day and have had them for 2-3 days. This may be linked to tiredness as since the ablation I don’t feel physically tired but every day at the same time, I go from feeling awake and alert to fast asleep in a matter of minutes and if I don’t give in to it and sleep, I just feel groggy for hours. Once I sleep, even for only 45 mins I’m good for the rest of the day. Apart from this I feel absolutely fine and feel like I can do most things but am going to take the rest of this week off and rest.